Yoga Physics

So, yoga is a tough word these days, right? It has become so much that it isn’t and so much more than it ever was. That leaves those of us who have been riding this wave since the days of weird feeling a little perplexed by the new reality. It has taken some creative thinking for me to find the appropriate current.

Here is what I finally got to. You can make yoga pretty much anything that you need. At any point in time. And all of these “masters” (who have mostly turned out to be narcissistic shits) were simply doing just that—riding the current of the time and adapting the practice to suit the need. Bad news is that the practice can indeed be used for nefarious ends. Good news is that if you know how, you can do this exact same thing—only for the force of good. If you ditch the programming, you can adapt any practice to be a force of good in your life.

Feel better. Feel calm. Know what to do when with confidence and ease. That is what I have managed to boil a common practice down to. If that is where you are at, then I can build for you a series of classes to make certain that these points are a daily reality.

Now. You can also adapt the practice to help you access the higher realms of Quantum reality. You can alter the body chemistry in a way that allows you to walk the astral realms and come into communication with the highest part of you—the creator aspect. In this way, yoga is an amazing tool for those who practice any sort of magic. If this is where you want to go, I can build for you a practice that takes you there.

I’ve been doing this a while. I have trained teachers. And I have moved thousands upon thousands of bodies over tens of thousands of hours. So I’m not some 200 hour chippy who is just sorting this out and will hand you a Sun Sal. (sorry, not sorry) If you want to progress and grow in your spiritual life, I believe this practice can direct you. I also believe that a personal practice is best.

So if you like, we can do this at my private office, or online. We can do it by book or by video. We can do it a lot of ways, but whatever way is going to be just for you and where you are at right now. That involves some questions and some commitments, so be prepared to journey. Shoot me an email and we can begin conversation about what that looks like for you.