Well-Positioned March Practice

March in Summary

Y’all. Repeat after me: Pump the Brakes. This is your motto all the way until the 31st. No matter what comes at you, no matter how much fanfuckingtastic-its-a-sure-thing energy lands in your lap….pump the brakes. Get thee a journal, a glass of wine and a yoga mat. Try to find a sense of patience. And, most importantly, please remain seated while the seat belt sign is on. You hear me? The seat belt sign is fully illuminated. So sit down. Chill out. Don’t do it.

The first thing to remember is that we are still in Pisces season for the next few weeks. That means that the driving energy is that of Pisces, which is the sign with the absolute least sense of driving energy. Pisces energy is gentle, dreamy, floaty and more inclined to lay down in the field than to mow it. So this is the baseline. It is great for dream work, creating visions and ideas, as well as intuiting into the heart of any situation that comes your way.

What it isn’t great at is laying down the rocks and bricks that actually build the path to your dreams. And this month, that dreamy Pisces gets constantly bombarded by earth energy that is practically demanding that you just fucking get on with it already. There is a ton of Capricorn in the stars, and Capricorn can get downright pushy. So you have to be gentle with yourself here. You are going to want to start laying down those bricks and you’ll probably feel downright pissed when the ground keeps shifting beneath your feet. Pump the brakes.

That’s because we are still in Pisces, yo. You can absolutely use all that earth energy to make your dreams more realistic, and I wholly recommend doing so. But don’t you dare start pushing into the actual work of it. Trust me by the full moon in Virgo on the 18th (which is two days before Vernal Equinox, so double down on that feeling) you are going to truly believe that it is time and that you are 100% ready to GO. Don’t you do it. Don’t you dare. It just isn’t time, and if you do, you can be sure that later in the month something will come barreling into it and knock your plans down like a bowling ball rolling in for a strike.

So sit down. Wait. Feel and plan and make your plans completely in line with your feelings. What does your body say to you when you start laying down these ideas in the concrete realms of reality? There is information there. What happens to your emotional state when you start trying to activate that reality? There is information there. This whole month is the time of aligning yourself with the abstract so that when you execute in the concrete it will be authentic.

Please get in touch with this; don’t skip it and don’t fake it. You need to be completely in alignment with yourself so that when other people show up and start taking a chisel to your confidence that you can really tell them to fuck right off. Be on the lookout late in this month. The mask is about to be ripped away from someone that you really believed was an ally, which will force you to rethink some of those plans on which you have been working so diligently.

Its okay. This was meant to happen to free you up. The Equinox gives us our first hit of Aries get up and go on the 20th, but it isn’t until the New Moon (also in Aries) rolls around on the 31st that we are really ready to take on all that means. Somebody needs to get out of your way before you have the full freedom that is needed to max out your thrust.

You will get where you are going. You just have to give it the time that it needs so that you can see all the angles. That’s what Pisces energy is GREAT at. So use what you’ve got while you’ve got it. M’kay?

Click here for the month in calendar

Click here for the monthly horoscope by sign

Mar 01 — Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

Big dreams meet big obstacles you you dig through the darker parts of your emotional closet. A time to tap into your shadow side to heighten your intuition so that solutions flow from a more connected place. If you try to structure your transitions, you will be met with frustrations and challenges as there is not good traction at this time.

Mar 02 — New Moon in Pisces

Mercury in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

Hidden depths and abilities abound. Take the night to get in touch with the power of your emotions as they relate to your magical abilities. Think bigger, dream bigger and set your intentions into the universe as if they will come to pass. This moon has huge potential to light up all of your dark corners, so stay tuned in to your truth as it evolves. Set goals for your personal development that allow you to impact the greater world at large. Plan and dream, but try not to set out actionable steps just yet. These dreams and goals need time to mature.

Mar 03 — Mars in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

Venus in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

You’re gonna feel particularly testy if anybody gets in the way of you making the changes you need to see in your life. The energy is organized, cold, ruthless and determined. Things that do not serve you are seen with crystal clarity and you feel a pressing need to take action to clear them and to begin the process of moving into your life’s purpose. Slow down, make a list and ease up on the throttle; things are not yet fully clear.

Things could escalate quickly in the realms of business and romance. Try to keep a level head, let things go and take the Buddhist frame of mind. Nothing is truly yours, so don’t hold on too tightly. It won’t work out well in the end.

Mar 05 — Sun in Pisces conjunct Jupiter in Pisces

Mars enters Aquarius

Venus enters Aquarius

Moon in Aries

It feels like the world is your oyster and that everything you have been dreaming about the last week is about to manifest just around the corner. Stay grounded, and stay patient; this blip of energy is only momentary and there is much more work and planning ahead of you before these ideas land. That ferocious push of the last few days is about to diminish completely in the earth element and move into the air element, so expect your mind to be busy...but not much else. The energy here becomes erratic and unconventional making it not a great time to try and land those goals. Just wait. Patience pays.

Allow yourself time and distance from those most intimate to you so that you can rest, dream, and learn to play again. You will find new ways of getting to your goals when you let them come to you. So put it all aside and be pleasantly social with no expectations. The energy of this Venus and Mars in Aquarius is not a practical one. You will be far more inclined to tilt at windmills—missing more than hitting. So it behooves you to work with that Aquarian energy and get above the nitty gritty. Have some fun with it.

Mar 06 — Venus in Aquarius conjunct Mars in Aquarius

Keep it light and creative as you feel more comfortable letting go of heavy thoughts and plans. Let your creativity flow and focus on taking actions that feel fun light and healthy. Moving forward you can more easily open your heart and let new friends and romantic potentials into your circle.

Mar 09— Mercury enters Pisces

Mar 10 — Vesta enters Aquarius

The mind becomes lighter and softer as we move into a time of following our hearts. This allows for a gentler communication and an increase in empathic abilities. Don’t worry if you feel disconnected from the Matirx of mundane life and everyday tasks get missed Allow yourself the time and space to explore your more creative, inner nature. Let some of the little things go and turn your eyes to things that are of most value to you. Profane life and sacred life can easily be the same if we learn to find the middle way where we are able to integrate our holy nature with what is asked of us as we move through the mundane world. The present energy asks us to make this integration and then turn our eyes to how we can help others do the same in an effort to create a world that is more equitable, free and fair.

Mar 13 — Sun in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Take this lazy to day to indulge in yourself, your quiet and your internal life. Read a good book, watch your favourite movies, or get into your creative hobbies. This is a soft start to a busy week, and once you put your foot on the gas the momentum builds and will continue to build. Expect a release of all that you have been holding onto as we enter the season of action.

Mar 17 — Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

You can expect to feel a boost in your intuition and your psychic awareness as things that had felt unsettled start to come together. You can see different angles to the situation you have been working on which opens up new avenues for you to explore. Let the ideas flow, don’t lock yourself down into oughts, shoulds or practicalities. When the ramp to the road less taken presents itself, go ahead and merge into the new path. When you know, you know and you don’t have to qualify that for anybody other than yourself.

Mar 18 — Full moon in Virgo

Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

This marks the beginning of the beginning. After weeks of feeling stalled and stuck in our collective heads, this moon brings a sense of starting to lay the groundwork for achievement. The thing to remember is that this moon can truly only bring the blueprint to the surface; it isn’t the moment for full thrust for there is still much more to organize, dream and plan. So allow yourself to sit with the barest bones of your dreams and let them flesh out in your imagination. Write down what you see, draw the map that emerges. Know that there will be revisions and detours, but what you start to plan now outlines a very, very good beginning. Resist the urge to push.

Mar 19 — Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

This tense aspect will have us feeling as if we know what we should do and that we should already be doing it. However, if we start, we quickly find that all of our steps are landing in sand. This is frustrating and has the potential to create great anxiety if we don’t settle and let things take their course. You have to trust that what you have set in motion is in motion. Doing this will keep your nerves calm and steady and keep you on the correct course.

Mar 20 — Sun enters Aries/Spring Equinox/Astrological New Year

Mercury in Pisces conjunct Jupiter in Pisces

The first day of both spring and the astrological calendar. You can expect to feel a boost of energy and enthusiasm and an urge to start our way down our new paths. However, use that energy to simply enjoy the life around you instead of rushing by it. Slow down and be in a state of gentle observation. Staying calm, alert and present can help you observe things that will become useful information later. The energy of this coming season is confident, passionate, and fearless, so use these early days to take in as much of those feelings as you can. Set them as a bookmark as you go through a week that has real points of illusion and challenge. This practice of presence will help you navigate through the seas.

Mar 22 — Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

The sense of bigger vision meets up with the instability of current times and the collision has more impact that you might have imagined. This mix of energy has you feeling rattled, cranky and as if we can’t quite get a hold of our emotions despite best efforts. Try to find calming activities and don’t take things personally when they are directed at you; Nobody is seeing things clearly. Big breath.

Mar 23 — Mercury in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Things aren’t as they seem here, and we can’t even trust our own thoughts. Illusions are high, self-delusion is easy, and people are prone to lie just to not have to deal. Watch out for people who are able to use this aspect to suit their worst natures; it is easier to be manipulated than usual and the fatigue is real. Look to what someone does, not to what they say and you should make it through. Or just stay home for a few days and order in.

Mar 26 — Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

After a week of confusion, there is finally some clarity. Whatever has been hidden is starting to come up to the surface, enabling you to start to create the structure you have been craving. Get out of your own head, get out of your own way and start to connect with the people you can truly trust. These last few weeks should have taught you who they are These alliances are what will carry you forward as you navigate the coming changes.

Mar 27 — Mercury enters Aries

Keep an eye on your mouth as you start to execute your plans and form alliances. This transition of Mercury has you more likely to speak with a confidence and a conviction that may be more bravado that you realize. It also prompts us to speak before we think, and in a time of building that can be a real shit storm. Keep it tight, y’all and think it through.

Mar 28 — Venus in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

Your love of fun and your love of cohesion finally come together to show you who in your tribe can be trusted to help you create the path you want. The time for a greater seriousness is upon you and you will find that you are more interested in people who will actually partner you as you craft your life. Those who are just along for the ride or for a good time will be pressed by this alignment and may not survive.

Mar 31 — New moon in Aries

Finally, the time is upon us to create a solid, actionable plan with quantifiable benchmarks. The ability to see the path, create a plan and take small and realistic steps towards achievement is up on us. Get to it!