Well-Positioned April Practice

Wow. Lots of energy this month that has you bouncing back and forth between dreaming big and thinking small. I think if you learn to dance that blade instead of letting it freak you out that there ought to be a lot of power available here. Like, when its time to work, work. When it is time to dream, dream. But if you try to do both at once you will probably end up just making yourself insane as you try to lay down foundations in the clouds. I know that doesn’t work. You know that doesn’t work. But I’m pretty sure we are all going to give it a go at some point this month.

The get up and go of Aries kind of fizzles out at early on as it runs into one obstacle after another. It is actually kind of a bummer here as you really, really, really do want to pop your foot on the gas and git on up with it. And after all of March being a bit of a drag in this respect, I can only imagine the frustration will be real. One can only lean into the larger plan here and just keep toggling the switch between think and do. That’s the only way we get out of here sane. Mostly sane. Okay. Somewhat sane.

Early on we get this pop of Pisces that feels lovely, but somewhat kinks up the drive. Like when your GPS starts “rerouting” (you actually heard that, didn’t you lol?) and takes you down a lovely rural back route and then utterly shits the bed. There you are amongst the scenery and its actually really, really nice but you were actually trying to get somewhere and just...FUCK. When that feeling lands I need you to just take a breath and look at the pretty flowers. There is a reason for it. There is a reason you are here. You need to see something—feel something—that can’t be seen or felt when you have a destination in mind.

Don’t worry, that destination does become clear—and with it a full body slam into Taurus where everything gets really fucking practical. One would think that it would be a welcome change, right? You were just lost in the backwoods of your psyche and now here you are with a functioning map in your hands again. One would think that it would feel awesome and you will be thrilled. I mean, yes? It is actually quite nice to have the map working again, but you just have to know that the map is in the language of Taurus and that shit is detailed.

So detailed. Tediously detailed. And then we have Pluto knocking you in the back of the head routinely like an elderly aunt who is constantly backseat driving and questioning your direction. This pisses you off (proverbially), which shows up mid month as a huge ego fest. Expect to be internally shouting Do you know who I am?! as you work to keep yourself on track, in alignment, trusting the gut while seeing to the nitty gritty details. I know. It sounds like a lot of work, and it is.

Dance the blade. Toggle the switch. Slow down. You’ll get there, I promise.

The real grace comes with the Full Moon in Libra where everything just shows up. You have been doing a lot of things that are this and that, stop and go, fix and flow, all at the same time. The balancing energy of Libra helps you to bring everything level and place it on the scales in a way that allows you to be accounted. You may not realize it now, but this work you are doing has put you on the back burner of your own life. Your balance between your mind and your soul is out of whack, which is why it has felt like a lot of starts and stops and getting lost in places you had never planned to be.

Take that time to be in harmony and to make harmony the center piece of your life going forward. Bring things into balance, because the wheel turns as it always does and the energy of forward is only a breath away. So while you can and when you can, use the power of that ability.

Do when it is time to do. Dream when it is time to dream. Manage that, and this month sets you at the center of your life, moving forward with grace.

Dates to note:

Apr 02 — Sun in Aries conjunct Mercury in Aries conjunct Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron in Aries

With the thrust of the new moon behind us, this joining of our center, our hearts and our minds in Aries makes everyone feel awake, ready, chatty and sociable. This would be a great time to catch up with people that you haven’t seen in a while, or to approach new partners in upcoming ventures. A word of warning, that tricky Chiron makes you oblivious to slights and cuts—which is a great thing—but know that the wound will show itself later when you aren’t in such a good mood. Keep your conversation to people you trust and don’t fall for sparkly gossip mongers.

Apr 04 — Mars in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in Aquarius square North Node Rx in Taurus

When you feel like you can’t quite get through to someone, just step back and let the moment pass. This day is full of frustrating details, so it is best to spend it alone with your calendar and your plans. Stay close to home and focus on what you need for yourself.

Apr 06 — Venus enters Pisces

The shift of Venus from high minded and social Aquarius to soft Pisces brings a softness to your home life. Take a moment to feather your nest and make it a welcoming retreat. The upcoming days are filled with action, change and challenges so having a safe place to land will be paramount. This alignment is wonderful for all things hearth and home, but not so great when it comes to managing your money. So as you go forward, keep an eye on the bottom line.

Apr 07 — Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn in Aquarius trine Moon in Gemini

This aspect bring solid judgment and honest, forthright communication. If you have something on your mind and need to hash it out, now is the time. Your communication will be gifted with the force of Aries and the charm of Gemini, making you particularly adept at navigating conversation. This is the right time to negotiate contracts, make important business deals or have that state-of-the-union conversation with your partners.

Apr 08 — Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius

Venus in Pisces trine Moon in Cancer

Your heart and your mind will be in different places for thee next few days, so if you can compartmentalize it would be a good time to do so. When it comes to work or goal-planning, you have the mental insight and agility to lay down some great foundations. Mars in Aquarius lets you take forward directed steps, which Mercury in Aries lends a fearlessness of intellect. You’re quite the problem solver.

At home, however, you will want to put all of this aside and spend some time simply loving, nurturing and caring. Be with your people and shower them with all the affection they so rightly deserve. Bake some cookies and be a love.

April 09—Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces trine Moon in Cancer

Exalted Jupiter brings you some big insights into the dynamics of your family, while a deep Cancer Moon asks you to dive back into the past and figure out how y’all got here. Take the time to review, but leave the claws sheathed. This is a time for loving healing and collective family decisions to make changes that serve all—gently unravel the problem; don’t tear it apart.

Apr 10 — Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn

Mercury in Aries square Moon in Leo

Pluto in Capricorn opposition Moon in Leo

Lots of challenges and headaches with these hard aspects. You will feel a driving need to get to the bottom of things to tear out that which is creating instability in your structure and preventing you from moving forward as quickly as you might like. You don’t appreciate any help with that and your ego will be easily bruised by anybody who offers opinions on how you do you. Sure, they are only trying to help with what you are obviously struggling with, but you won’t appreciate the insight, not one bit. Take the day off and keep it to yourself; everything will look better in the morning.

Apr 11 — Mercury enters Taurus

Uranus in Taurus square Moon in Leo

The shift of Mercury to Taurus allows you to slow down and start creating actionable, step by step plans. You will be more interested in common sense deliberations rather than the push of desire to get you where you are going. This will require you dismantling some of the things you have built in the last few weeks; let them go once you see it isn’t right. Don’t hold on out of ego or stubbornness. If you do, you lose the opportunity to redraw the map and will be subject to the Universe doing it for you.

Apr 12 — Mars in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in Aquarius opposition Moon in Leo

You can see it and you can do it. It is all there, so make use of the thrust and the vision that arrives once you have cleared out the clutter and redesigned the path. It is okay to admit that you had flaws in the original vision. Let it go, release the pride and take a good look at the fundamentals of what you are trying to achieve.

Apr 12 — Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn

The urge to push will be real, but so will the urge to tinker down in the kishkas. Take a breath and slow down, but don’t get stuck in trying to perfect everything right now. It will get there when it is time.

Apr 15 — Mars enters Pisces

The shift of Mars to Pisces helps with some of the push, push, push and lets you sit back a bit and go deeper. You will be inclined to look at how you are getting where you want to go with a kinder light, which will allow you to layer spiritual goals inside your material ones. This is what you have been missing and what you have been waiting for. It is also a critical facet of your journey that helps you develop a rounder, fuller goal.

Apr 16 — Full moon in Libra

Moon in Libra opposition Sun in Aries

Moon in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries

You will be able to look into how you can bring everything into balance now. With this moon, the ability to weigh your goals and desires against the needs of your family, lovers and community will be heightened. This is a great time to explore the theme of harmony in your life, measuring out where you have put yourself above others and vice verse. This process will ask you to heal and forgive yourself for where you have harmed others in your single-minded push to achieve; it will also allow you to forgive those in your life who may have been holding you back out of misplaced selfishness or unhealed wounds.

Apr 17 — Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces

Mercury in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

This is not the day of doing. Your mind will be distracted by things of a sensual and spiritual nature, so put the work down and focus instead on how you can more deeply explore the realms of love. This can take all shapes and forms, from romantic and sexual to parental and platonic. Love is asking to be expressed in a new way, whether that is playful kink or just a new take on a favourite meal. Put convention aside and let yourself explore whatever comes to mind.

Apr 18 — Venus in Pisces trine Moon in Scorpio

You will only be satisfied with full emotional disclosure today. Superficial expressions will leave you feeling scattered and dissatisfied, so if you can’t be in a place that lets you say exactly what is in your heart, it is best to stay away. There are real depths asking you to dive in and pull spiritual truths up to the surface, so know that the veil is thin and your tolerance for bullshit is low. Whatever truth needs to come up and out...do it now.

Apr 19 — Sun enters Taurus

This is a tangible shift to full earth energy, making you feel solid and steady….finally. Take the day to be at rest and fully settled into your senses. Eat a good meal, have a nap in cozy blankets and be settled. These quiet and sensory moments will allow you to access your focus and discernment, helping you feel confident in your intuition and your intention. Don’t skip the step.

Apr 20 — Juno enters Pisces

Jupiter in Pisces square Moon in Sagittarius

Keep it steady, y’all and do not fall into the lure of romance and dreams. Juno is the asteroid of intimacy and relationship. In Pisces it calls you to form relationships of all kinds. Working with Jupiter also in Pisces, you will feel like anything is possible. This is soulmate time, so you will feel more deeply connected to potential mates. However, don’t lean in too far to the dream state of ideal love. There are plenty of red flags around if you stop to see the reality of the situation. Trust your gut and use your wisdom to keep you on the level.

Apr 24 — Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius

Mercury in Taurus conjunct North Node in Taurus

Venus in Pisces conjunct Neptune/ Jupiter in Pisces

This is a less than ideal arrangement today, creating delays and obstacles that may have you cursing that devil in the details. You want what you want so badly that you have mentally elevated that want into a purpose, but the larger reality arc seems to keep kicking you in the face. The answer is to see the details and handle them as they come, one at a time. Your need to find larger meaning is an illusion, so let it rest and try to stay earthbound.

April 25--Saturn in Aquarius conjunct Moon in Aquarius square Mercury in Taurus

Something doesn’t seem to be lining up for you when you try to get your point across. Take a step back and ground. Your may be speaking too high for others to grab on to your meaning, or you might be lost in the abstract. Your ability to vision is off the charts, but you are a bit detached from the earth. Again. Stick to the plan and tend to the details and it will all level out shortly.

Apr 27 — Mercury in Taurus sextile Jupiter in Pisces

Annnnd…..GO! That feeling you have been having of trying to get the details to align with the larger purpose and vision is about to land on earth. Today marks a week of great energy to make the major decisions about the future; your gut, your head, and your heart are all in accord. Trust it and put that plan you have been tinkering with into play.

Apr 28 — Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn

Think positively and get to work. All of the time you have spent thus far is about to make itself useful as your head sees the path and your intuition knows the structure. Visualize how you want this all to work out and you will have the stamina to see it through.

Apr 29 — Mercury enters Gemini

Pluto Rx in Capricorn

In a burst of great timing, Mercury moves into its ruling sign of Gemini, This gives you the ability to make friends and influence people as you bring your ideas out into the world. Always chatty and sociable, this alignment helps you to be quick and clever, drawing in those who will be of the most service to you. Use it while the energy is hot; Mercury stations to go retrograde on May 10th. There’s time, but get the information you need from everyone now.

Pluto gives you a break for the next five months, moving into its deep dive back into your psyche. This will help you find new starts and create fresh transformations in a gentler and more reflective manner. Trust what you find and try to let go with ease; clinging to old ideals or visions of yourself will only make things harder. Use the flowing energy of that Gemini Mercury to help you move through this transition with ease.

Apr 30 — New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus

Pallas enters Taurus

Solar eclipses tend to throw everyone off center, but this one is in stable Taurus, so it makes the transition much easier. The sign of determination helps you to use the unsettling energy to your advantage. This is an ideal new moon for setting earth based intentions that revolve around implementing your big plans through productivity. Anything that involves making money will be especially enhanced by this alignment.

Pallas helps with this, bringing the problem-solving abilities of Athena to you. In Taurus, she helps you to recognize patterns and find the path of common sense and least resistance as you work towards you ultimate achievements.

Apr 30 — Venus in Pisces conjunct Jupiter in Pisces

Now that everything is landing on earth and starting to move, you have a chance to check in with the bigger vision and how you feel about it. Go big, go deep, dive in and do a heart check against your sense of expanding vision. Does everything feel right? Are you in tune? Your mind is quite clear and the path is laid. Now just check in with your dreams and bring them fully into the fold.

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