July Waxing Moon Horoscopes

Aries—You gotta slow down, y’all. You just have to slow down. What has felt like clear skies and a righteous type of alignments is going to start to take a toll of your health. You’ve been riding a big wave, and it is about to come to shore. Take the first week of the month to get any last things done that might require this balls-to-the wall energy and know that you are about to get a big—and possibly welcome—slow down. Your ruling planet shifts from its home sign into Taurus on the 6th, and your drive gets heavier, more solid, denser. So where for the last month or so you have been feeling pretty free to do what you need to do, expect your responsibilities to start demanding more of your long-term attention.

Taurus—Ok. So, it goes without saying that you guys are naturally stubborn and determined. But you can expect a serious bump up in that which will border on pig-headed and stupid. You have Mars joining the Taurus party around the 6th, and this will add a layer of intensity to your actions. Additionally, Pallas, the asteroid of good decisions and problem solving moves out of Taurus roughly the same time. This is where you lose some of your famed cool and might fall off the wagon of focus. Furthermore, you have a conjunction of the North Node and Uranus which lands down at the same time, so the bull in you is more likely to see red than usual. Just be careful here. You aren’t yourself. You aren’t thinking the way you normally do. And you aren’t situated to be super fair to those you are in partnerships with. Hate to say it, but if you find yourself wondering who is the asshole here? Its you.

Gemini—You’ve been able to enjoy your ruling planet in its home sign for a few weeks now and I hope you have made the most of it. Around the 6th, Mercury slips into Cancer, which is a little thick for you guys. So expect your thinking to slow somewhat and refocus into matters that involve home, security and comfort. Luckily, at the same time, Pallas moves into your sign, so you should be able to solve any lingering problems that you may have had around organizing, negotiating or legalizing. If there is a contract in play, this is great energy for you to work with and wrap up. Additionally, Venus us hanging out in your house, which can further lend an air of focus around things that make you feel lovely and loved. Try to wrap up any business before the 9th and then kick back until the Moon is full.

Cancer—The sun remains in your sign for another few weeks, so reap those benefits while you can. Your ruling planet gets somewhat kicked around here for the next few weeks, so if you keep it close to home and engage in home activities that you enjoy, you can arrange to insulate yourself from the worst of it. Pluto is being somewhat of an asshole for Cancer, so try to resist any ego based decisions around the home. Don’t get up on any high horses and for fuck’s sake don’t try to upgrade your house in this market. It won’t work out for you. With the moon getting oppositions at almost every rotation, you aren’t making solid decisions and your emotions are coming from the wrong space. Try not to let yourself swing too wildly. Keep your cool and let the emotions roll through you as you confront old wounds, past habits, outmoded roles and shit from the back of the closet. By the 9th you should be able to find the groove that allows you to use all this as a power to organize that actual changes you want to make. If I were you, I’d wait until after the full moon to implement then.

Leo—This month starts with a Moon in Leo and ends with a Moon in Leo and the Sun moves into Leo on the 23rd. So there is a lot of familiar energy that lets you connect with who you are and what you want. Unfortunately, this first Moon in Leo is in opposition to a Capricorn Pluto, so for a few days right out of the gate you may feel intensely uncomfortable when it comes to issues of power, structure and status. No Leo likes to deal with these thoughts; we are perfect in every way, right? ;-) Use that discomfort to think about what you want to learn from this next evolution in your life, and how you want to create your new role to be in line with you. Not the other way around. Keep in mind how naturally independent you are and align your emerging life to that aspect of your personality. You may have to clear old people-pleasing habits or patterns from your processes, and you may have to have challenging conversations with your family. Keep your cool and speak your truth. That full moon will probably be a little bit of a bitch for you as you are forced to examine that Plutonian push pull. Hang tight.

Virgo—I’m not sure Independence Day is going to feel all that independent for you. On the 4th, the Moon in your house comes up against a Pisces Vesta. So when it comes to how you determine independence, you may find that the answers are coming unclear. Pisces asks us to dissolve things and move the separateness into the greater concept of unity. When it comes to Vesta, you need to examine where in your life that your concept of independence has actually pushed you too far into separation and walk that back some. That same Moon then goes on to challenge Juno, Sedna and Neptune in conjunction, so you need to be very careful about where you are holding the illusion of betrayal as a sacrosanct event that supports this toxic independence. That one will be tough. Luckily, once these few days pass, you can turn your mind away from these heavy internal thoughts and start to apply it to things that truly matter to you going forward. Pay attention to the health of your home and don’t get caught up in any drama that forces you back into that betrayal thinking. It is time to move away from the past.

Libra—For the most part, these next two weeks are pretty easy for you, Libra. The sole place of consideration or strain come when you are faced with the duties you have chosen and your desire to continue on with them. To some extent, you don’t have a choice. These are the things you have agreed to do, and you don’t always resist doing them. But there will be a few days this cycle where you deeply resent those commitments and just want to be left to your own devices to enjoy the finer things that life has presented you with. Your ruling planet is in Gemini, so you crave a lightness right now. You want sociability and good conversations, not duty or compromise or any of the things that come with commitment, obligation or service. This too shall pass, so do whatever it is that you need to do to create the correct balance for you.

Scorpio—Do y’all ever get tired of shadow diving? Asking for a friend. I want to be able to tell you guys that the rainbows are coming, but I’m not really sure that that is the case. Your ruling planet has been retrograde since April and won’t move forward until October. And you have had the South Node camping out in your sign since January which won’t move on until next July. Additionally, that Pluto is so slow moving that most of the faster moving inner planets just line up to take turns in opposition. So it feels like y’all are in deep water, treading water while aspects of your psyche show up, slap you in the face, laugh and wait for the next one. Are you tired yet? These next two weeks and next two oppositions deal with the home and your home life and how you communicate your needs around these issues. The full moon conjuncts this Pluto (still in opposition) so expect high emotions. Good luck.

Sagittarius—So your ruling planet has been on fire in Aries for a while, which has felt great. Lots of movement, expansion, opportunity and ideas. That doesn’t change. What does change is that after the first few days of July, that Jupiter starts bumping up against some assholes. This Cancer Sun is not doing you any favours, so it looks like you have something at home that you have to deal with. Someones feelings are hurt and you are going to have to dive into diplomacy, which is not a natural state for you. Take other people’s feelings into consideration and meet them where they are. You may not actually know best here, and you may be rushing so far ahead with your grand schemes that you are hurting someone you love or leaving them behind. Before the moon hits full, you will want to do a full motive check because once the moon conjuncts Pluto you are apt to get a really, really hard reality check. Mitigate this by giving yourself one first.

Capricorn—I feel like your ruling planet is being kind of an asshole to you guys. First off, it is retrograde which in and of itself is not a bad thing, especially in Aquarius. This gives you an opportunity to reflect on lots of things that have a bigger picture feel. That isn’t something y’all do on the regular so I’m down. But where this starts to look a little rough is in all the squares and oppositions that it is currently throwing off. North Node, South Node, Uranus, Pallas, the Moon...if any planet passes through Taurus, this Saturn stares it down like a creepy old guy on the porch yelling at yuppies on bikes. Everything that has to do with your stability and your comfort and your goals is getting the stink eye from this guy, so I can’t imagine that it is all that fun. Luckily, around the 8th or 9th—even as all of these square continue on—Venus in Gemini does enter the picture and trine the nasty bastard. So try to tap into that and work some lighthearted fun into the matrix. Hopefully it helps.

Aquarius—The big news for you is a conjunction between your ruler and the North Node. Uranus has been in Taurus for quite a while and will remain for quite a while. This gives you time to adapt to it, and given that you are generally somewhat detached from emotional chaos, you are probably weathering the changes brought by this Uranus more easily than most. But once you find yourself married to the North Node, there comes some unusual pressure. This asks you to be much more reflective when it comes to changes in your earth habits, and to pay extra attention to the state of your resources. The 9th feels particularly challenging for you as this sang-froid hits a highly emotional moon, so try to roll with the punches and don’t become too invested in your momentary feelings. You have greater work to do, and with a retrograded Saturn in your house, you have the chops to get going. Take your time. Make good plans. And don’t get caught up in the chaos.

Pisces—With your ruling planet retrograded in your home house, you are in for a series of reality checks. All of the truths that you have hidden from yourself or tried to hide in the back of the fridge are all, and I mean all, going to rise up and start making themselves unavoidable. Every old hurt from situations past will come to the party and every way that you have compromised your integrity for another’s peace will begin to rage. This is not an easy time for you, I’ll admit. You like to deal in equity and best case solutions. Interestingly, while the initial sensation will be really unpleasant, all of this is going down with your best interests at heart. If you can tap into that reality stream and see this series of checks as something that is going to help you clear your ancestral habits, your karmic detritus, and current personal behaviours that are emotionally based. This is going to take some time, so resist the rush and wait until the moon hits full to lay down any new plans.