October Astrology

Oct 1 — Chiron Rx in Aries trine Venus/Juno in Leo

Following the natural cycle of the earth, October presents itself as a time to finish any final bits of pruning needed before you put yourself down to winter. Lots of energy shows up to help you with this task, but it is important to remember that the task is to prepare for winter. Not to ram up and get rolling as if it were spring. It may feel like that, but that ramp up is only to give you the juice to be able to fully ramp down. Please don’t forget that you need the whole of the winter to prepare for what you are bedding down today.

Today, you take a good long look at what your divine feminine needs in order to finish healing. You have to look within, be honest with yourself, admit the places that you were hurt and then lay them down. Your inner lover and your inner wife are aligned in this, prompting questions about your relationships (past and present) and where you were not seen for who you are. Where were you not gloried and hailed as the most magnificent of creatures? Where were you made smaller, told you didn’t know, or gaslit into believing you couldn’t lead your own way?

Clear the last of those narcissistic wounds, y’all. Prune them out and cover the new earth with a solid layer of self-love, radical self-honesty and maybe a happy snack.

Oct 2 — North Node Rx in Aries sextile Sedna in Cancer

Let it go, let it go, let it go. Whatever has happened to you, wherever you were betrayed by someone you loved, whenever that was in your life….let it go. A piece of you will go with it, and that’s okay. But you have to let it go—today--so that you can move forward into the most divine version of yourself. Grace sometimes comes at the hands of sacrifice, and it is important to realize that you have already made some sacrifices that you may be holding onto. Let that go. You’ve done your bit. Its time to fully move on so that next level of you can emerge.

Oct 3—Moon in Taurus square Saturn Rx in Pisces

Moon in Taurus square Venus/Juno in Leo

How? It plagues you today. How? How do you make your visions a practical reality? How do you let go of something that is so familiar and comfortable? How to do risk leaving behind something that has proven itself a provider? All of this chafes as you yearn to be free to do whatever it is that has been tickling your mind. Its okay to want something different for yourself, something bigger, something more beautiful, something more satisfying. It is okay to want all of that.

It is also okay to want money, comfort, things, warmth, food, safety, etc. Its okay to want it all. And letting go of what has given you all of that is also okay. You can have what you want. The question is….how?

Be creative.

Oct 5 — Mercury enters Libra

Mercury joins a host of other planets in Libra today, making it feel very comfortable, social and easy. The cadence of your mind changes gears a bit. Your thoughts ease back from list making and problem solving into a more balanced sense of the situation over all. People become more of a factor in this process, which can help ease your load. You aren’t in this alone. You don’t have to solve the worlds problems on your own. You can ask for help, loop your ideas through a trusted companions matrix and learn that relationship is a strong component to successful evolution.

Ask for what you need—even if you aren’t sure what it is. There is help at hand.

Oct 9 — Venus enters Virgo

Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces

Take a fucking breath from the Venus pressure of the last eight weeks. Leo is usually a decently easy sign (as long as you know the expectations) and Venus in Leo can be a lot of fun. But not when she rolls backwards into a serious retrograde that has you questioning pretty much everything Venusian.

We all got to inhale when she went direct and this here is the exhale. Venus in Virgo is a little more plain Jane and straightforward than a Venus in Leo. It will probably feel pretty nice to just have your hands in the dirt and your heart on the task at hand, rather than the go big or go home and don’t make me look bad Venus in Leo. So just breath here and enjoy the mundane.

The opposition to that dreamy Saturn in Pisces—if Saturn can every truly be dreamy—stands as something that puts your feet on the ground. Sure, you may have dreams and plans and this Venus will take the hope-driven wind out of your sails a bit. But only so you can make sure you are heading in the right direction, bringing along everything that you might need for success.

Be patient and enjoy the grounding.

Oct 10 — Pluto goes direct in Capricorn

You know, Capricorn Pluto is taking a lot of heat. It has danced forward, backward, into Aquarius and back to Capricorn, and every time that Pluto makes a move we all seem to hold our collective breath and wait with dread for something to happen. Its going to happen. It is.

What is going to happen? Who the fuck knows.

What can be known is that something structural to your life is being overhauled. A part of you that was very systematically built is asking to be torn down. You feel done, but maybe you don’t want to be done, and that can feel frustrating or hard or just plain shitty. But I bet that if you actually sat down with that thing—whatever it is—and stripped away all of the ego around it (I worked so hard. I know so much. It’s my “purpose”. I should…) that the thought of letting it all go feels really fucking good.

That’s what Pluto does. It trims back things that are dead so we can grieve and grow. Is it fun? No. Is it scary? Yes.

Do it anyway. Before it gets done for you.

Oct 13 — Mars enters Scorpio

Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn Rx in Pisces

This is a transition that brings about your deepest, most resilient tenacity. It brings you an ability to persevere and push through obstacles with a dark glee. The harder something is, the harder you push. The worse something feels, the more you grind to get through. You aren’t interested in the easy way, or the nicest way. You are interested in getting what needs to be done, done.

Those dreamy plans of Pisces Saturn get picked up by the Mrs transition into Scorpio. It changes the shade and focuses the lens. You will feel this extra power behind you as you unleash your true drive and ambition. Scorpio Mars asks you to be selfish for once, to fuck “being nice” or “making peace” or “compromise for comfort”. No. This is the time to stand up, be heard, seen and honoured. This is your backbone when it is made of steel. Pity the fool who tries to belittle you, stand in your way or try to control any aspect of your life.

Bank on an intense amount of willpower and a fearlessness when it comes to setting the stage for a major transformation. You have until November 24th before Mars changes signs again; use it while it is here.

Oct 14 — New moon solar eclipse in Libra

Moon in Libra opposition Chiron Rx in Aries

So you have a New Moon, which is the dark of the moon. And at the same time we have a solar eclipse, which is the dark of the Sun. So we have to think about what function the dark brings us. In a spiritual culture completely obsessed with the light, we have to stop and look at the value of the dark. It serves a purpose far greater than just the polar opposite of the light.

This Moon/eclipse in in Libra, lending the concepts of fairness, justice, and relating to the experience. We probably won’t feel terribly clear about anything in our lives that circles these themes. And that’s okay. This is a great exercise in being at peace with not knowing. You won’t know and you can’t know because there is no light to shine upon it. And that’s okay. You don’t have to know, you have to not know.

There is healing here for you if you can come to understand the very fine, but excruciatingly critical, difference between not knowing and not wanting to know. Not knowing is a liberating place that allows you to become receptive to all the possibilities and potentialities that exist. You don’t know, so you are open to seeing what shows up. Not wanting to know is a place of wounding where you shut your eyes to the uncertainty and try to will yourself through your fear. See no evil, right?

That won’t work. Don’t know. Don’t try to know. Be in the dark and let the dark bring you what you couldn’t see when you kept trying to shine the light on it.

Oct 18 — Juno enters Virgo

Review your commitments today as Juno enters Virgo. Juno commits hard and stays committed. Virgo is beautifully grounded and likes everything to be just so. This shift is an opportunity for you to dutifully dust off and polish the commitments that you have made in relationship to the commitments you now want to make. Take the time to be a little fussy with them all, getting them all lined up and ready to work.

Just be careful about where you may be allowing perfect to be the enemy of good. You might miss your moment—and that shit is right around the corner.

Oct 19 — Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury in Libra/Mars in Scorpio/South Node Rx in Libra

Every once in a while a moment arrives where it seems like evrything lines up and you are unstoppable. This is that moment.

This big conjunction is every window and every door and maybe a portal or two opening up for you. If you have worked this month to get into that space of being ready, then this joining is a great opportunity to move.

The Sun and Mercury bring you charm and a golden tongue. You could schmooze your way in anywhere you need to be. The Mars gives you the confidence and drive to know what you want and to ask for it fearlessly. And that South Node shows you which shit shows to sidestep and dodge as you move forward into more authentic, dharmic ways of being.

Ger ready.

Oct 20 — Moon in Capricorn opposition Sedna/Vesta in Cancer

Whats so interesting as October develops is that we get recurring themes of beneficial selfishness. Over and over again, in different iterations and flavours, we are being given this energy that forces you to feel the good in selfishness.

The caveat is that all of this selfishness never bleeds out onto anybody else. It isn’t Pro-me, anti-you. It is pro-me and pro-you as long as you don’t try to zero sum me. Does that make sense? All of this selfishness is of the breed that sets boundaries, lays out goals, and goes about its business with focus, discipline and integrity.

This moon here asks you to look at what YOU want if you weren’t bogged down with what you think you should do culturally. It strips away what you heard or learned from your family and says, “If none of that were true, what would you do for YOU?”

So don’t knee jerk away from those thoughts. They don’t mean you are going to abandon what you have loved for so long. But it does allow you to shift gears, re prioritize and count yourself first. Its a pivot, but done right it can be quite healthy.

Oct 21 — Mercury enters Scorpio

There is a small danger when Mercury shifts into Scorpio that you miss the fulcrum between truth and lies. Try to stay on the side of right here as we transit the next three weeks, checking and double checking that you remain aligned with your higher sense of self.

Mercury in Scorpio heightens ones suspicious nature regarding the communication of others. It puts on edge on things and you never quite fully trust that what you are being told is what they really mean. The sub-text of people’s communications with you can spike your intuition in funny ways. You may hear what isn’t being said and get really pissed off about it. Are they lying to you? Maybe, maybe not. But it will be very hard for you when this split between vocalized information and sub information is felt. Bear in mind that you just might be wrong.

That being said, this is the time to suss out any secrets if you think they are there. It is also time to be very careful of the secrets you, yourself, are holding. Mercury in Scorpio is a time of masterful manipulation, hidden motives and blurred lines between truth/lie. Use what you can, but be suspicious of the rest. Stay right and don’t let your fearful nature get the better of you.

Oct 23 — Sun enters Scorpio

We enter the season of thinning veils and hidden realities. As the Sun shifts into Scorpio, use this season to get into touch with the dark, the underworld, and the parts of you that prefer to hide. Talk to the ancestors, hone your intuition and let the darker parts of yourself out for some air.

This time is when we make friends with death and transformation—the only two constants in the world. As we prepare for the dying of the light, Scorpio season shows us how to embrace the dark gracefully, powerfully and purposefully.

Oct 27 — Moon in Aries/ Chiron Rx in Aries/North Node Rx in Aries opposition Pallas in Libra

Just before the full moon we have a potent conjunction and opposition. The Moon, Chiron and North Node meet in Aries giving you a full boat of me, me, me! All that selfishness we have been talking about lands hard here as you simply can’t seem to give a flying fuck about what somebody else might want. The sense is that you feel what you feel, you need what you need, and you know what you know and really nobody can/ should tell you anything.

Where that gets shitty is that all of this energy is hard up against a super fair, super considerate, super balanced intellectual process. Like, in your head, you know how to make all these things balance so that everybody involved gets what they need—yourself included. But your heart is like a hungry toddler who only wants noodles and anything else, no matter how perfect, gets tossed up against the wall.

This space is where you get to exercise your discernment and your non-attachment. Find that middle, take a breath and wait a few days before taking action or pitching that fit.

Oct 28 — Full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus

Sit down with a pad and a pen. Not your phone, or your tablet or your computer. A pad. A pen. This is earth to earth. Write down everything you believe that you need in order to experience a solid, stable life. Be honest. When it comes to what you feel (FEEL) creates solidity and stability for you, what do you need? What does that look like?

Note that I’m not asking you what makes you feel fulfilled, what inspires you, what will make you happy, what will make you feel loved. No. This is bread and butter, dirt and seeds stuff. What do you need to feel solid and stable. How much money? How much home? How much work? What kind of work? What kind of investments? What does retirement look like? Clothes? Food? How much? What kind? Why? You have to know this earth work before it can come to you. Get dirty and down into the weeds of this truth in you.

This full moon (the light) is inside of an eclipse (the dark). So you have to take the lantern of Taurus into your dark and root out what is growing there. This isn’t sexy manifestation work, but believe me, when you have your ground settled and set, the liberation it gives you is plenty fucking sexy.

Do the dirty work. Now.

Oct 31 — Ceres/Mercury in Scorpio trine Vesta in Cancer

Mars/Sun in Scorpio trine Sedna in Cancer

On this hallowed night, you have the opportunity to get down into the soul of your ancestry. Your maternal grand/great-grand mother is close to the surface and available to you. Themes around nurturing and commitment are here to be examined through the lens of an older time, helping you to set your own barometer of what healthy love and care looks like for you. The concept of servitude due to familial commitment is here for you to purge, cleanse and clarify.

Times are changing and the woman is rising. The experiences of the grandmothers of time are here tonight for you to hear, and for you to understand. Use them.

Use them to drive forward and expose the secrets that have kept the woman down for ages. The subtle and quiet ways that are hidden still—even as we speak about them more freely and work to bring equality—these secrets are holding us all down. The rage bubbles the oceans and this night is a night to bring all of it forth through the voices of every grandmother, mother, maiden, every piece of you that has ever been cast into the sea, tossed away. Tonight we hear the voices of the women behind the veil and use them to transform ourselves in whatever way is needed.

Do what needs to be done this night. Sing, dance, weep, howl, laugh, whatever feels correct and whatever comes to you through these voices of old. Tomorrow, when the light comes we will remember and move the collective forward again.