April Horoscopes by Sign

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Aries—You start out the month feeling super in alignment and harmony, firing on all cylinders. Just be careful to note when you crash into reality, or when your ideas aren’t being received well. You know as well as I do that sometimes you get so excited that you don’t pay attention to what is going on around you. Unintentional injuries of all kinds are in the cards and you are prone to hurting someones feeling’s very easily.

You should be ware of when your ego takes the wheel and of overly tooting your amazing creativity. Yes, you actually do have some wonderful ideas right now and an ability to share them in a really engaging way. But until you are certain that you are speaking from a place of thoughtful and organized service, you will just be throwing hot air around and derailing the relationships you need to maintain in order to thrive. Stay focused on taking the high road.

And then just like that, mid-month, you lose the thread. One minute you are on top of the train, riding it like a bronco cowboy and the next you are being dragged behind it with your ass getting burned half off. It isn’t a pretty transition and you won’t be entirely sure what happened. But stop here and take note: Did you think things through? Did you take care of the details? Did you operate from highest purpose and use your best judgment? You got knocked off of your tracks so that you can take the road less traveled for a while and learn…

...that the slower and more meandering path has given you an opportunity to get in touch with your inner fire in a way that you are unused to. This is showing you a more authentic way to be yourself and to care for yourself. The urge to get real with those in your circle and communicate exactly what you need from them will be intense. Try to do so in a way that is constructive rather than destructive.

Taurus—As you get rolling this month, don’t be surprised if things that usually interest you seem tedious and dull; you don’t feel like being tied down to the minutiae of daily life. Spend some time with things that make you feel connected to your friends and your heart. Just enjoy and let the moments pass as they will.

Loving and thoughtful conversations are at hand, prompting you to share some of your deepest desires and longings. You feel close, connected and very open about what makes your spirit feel like singing. Don’t try to choke that connection off by falling into your comfort zone and slipping into mundane, home based, task oriented conversation to hide your vulnerability. When the spirit is moving you, go with it.

You need to recharge for a bit and settle into the space you made for your soul to rest. Everything is going to feel much more intense to you for a little while, and your sensitivity is much higher than you are comfortable dealing with on a routine basis. It’s okay. Tap into your water and let yourself, sweat, cry and soak in the healing emotions of your softer self. These pieces need to be factored into your everyday routine and accounted for in your goal setting regimes. Get in touch with that watery softness and ask yourself how it serves you.

By the end of the month, you will be back to your usual get on with it already, and there is a lot of energy for you to start in on those plans that have been simmering during your resting period. However, as you move forward, try ti remember what you have learned. Your mind is ready to charge, but your heart still needs a little bit of time to simmer before you can truly experience the fullness of your efforts. Tend to both, and don’t push. Roll.

Gemini—As April gets rolling, you don’t roll in with the normal pep in your step. Even you might be getting tired of hearing yourself talk about yourself. This is showing you that you need to take a little time to tune into your heart to make sure that your words actually have meaning and are encouraging you and those you love to grow. Think communication, not chatty noise and you might start to get the feel of the real problem.

Your need to be right and your need to think outside the box are in conflict, which prompts you to get stubborn. This isn’t a natural state of affairs for how your mind works, so when people in your social/ career network confront this it just pisses you off. You feel like they don’t have any vision and are trying to stifle something with a fixed mentality. Go slow. Don’t lose your temper or drop a bomb in it. Just speak to the details and you will be able to get them on board. Remember, details are a valid form of communication as well.

You are focusing on maximizing your impact, trying to be certain that the plans you implement will support your growth. Take your time with it and look under the structures you are building to see if the foundations are solid; slow and steady wins the race for just a little bit longer before you have both the certainty and the confidence to blaze ahead. This may feel like a curse when in actuality it is a blessing.

You have been missing something, Gemini, and now it is coming home to kick you in the face. That something has to do with how you talk to yourself about your health and well-being. Your mind has been so focused on getting somewhere that you have forgotten that you also need to think/ talk bout what makes you feel healthy, happy, safe and well. Sometimes it feels like too much work to handle all of it together and keep your home fires burning, but if you try to burn the candle at both ends as well as the middle you’ll end up sick. You’re being forced to slow down and rebalance.

Let it happen.

Cancer—You might feel a little like a bouncing ball as you ping from working on yourself to working on your home to working on your relationships. There is a lot of focus on when getting down to the bottom of what isn’t working so that you can restructure and organize your relationships to function more clearly and honestly.

In all honesty, you mostly feel like hiding out at home with a cherished partner (human or furry) for some quality alone time. Don’t be surprised if your mind wanders at work, or if you are easily distracted by creature comforts. You may crave more affection than usual and more comfort foods as well. It is as if you only want to be engaged on a fully emotional and sensory level where you feel like your true self lay. This type of loving time is chicken soup for your soul, so if you have to make the time, do so. You do so much for others all the time.

Trying to make everything comfortable for everyone is going to burn you out, and you won’t notice how burnt out you are until you are ashes. So there is an opportunity for you here to use your clear eyed judgment and frank communication to balance things out in. You must account for your own emotional needs when you are measuring out how much nurturing you have to give. If you need to rest, rest; let somebody else handle it. If you need to go, go; other people can hold the fort. You don’t have to be everybody’s mamma bear all the time.

On top of that, all of the obligations you have set up for yourself have you feeling a little sticky, pissy and bogged down by the end of the month. All of the things that you have to do are coated in a layer of resentful suck. Work in particular is a drag and you may be asking yourself if this is really what you want to be doing with your career. Bounce these thoughts off of some trusted friends and see what they have to say about all the ways you provide bounty for others and how you might be able to do that for yourself--professionally--in a way that feels more authentic to your nature.

Leo—You’ve got some work to do this month. It is a reset of sorts and a re-calibration for certain. Are you getting your point across in a way that feels authentic and forward directed? Are you helping others see the truth and learn new things? Or are you just talking to talk yourself up and make yourself look good? There is huge opportunity to expand your ideas to help serve your community if you can get out of your ego and into your creativity.

Interestingly, the way out of your ego is to get out of your head and into your body. Leo is a very physical sign and needs to keep the body primed in order to feel full enough to be at purpose. Get out there and move your body, treat it to a massage and maybe even a facial. The focus of attention needs to be on bringing your physical vessel to a place where it can support your plans. Try to look at it from a vantage point of true balance. You matter, and it is okay to see to your own needs/dreams even as you plan things that may serve others.

You will only be at your best when you feel like your best and know t hat you are taking yourself into consideration No, it isn’t shallow and anybody who tells you that doesn’t understand how your heart works. This is your particular brand of honesty, a style that is purely Leo. You need to love you in order to be able to be at impact and sometimes that means choosing yourself first. There may be resistance from those you love, and they may use some underhanded techniques to get you to put yourself away and do what they vision for you. Precious, right?

Don’t worry, we both know they don’t stand a chance in the face of your healthy determination. Once you have a grip on it, you have amazing staying power when it comes to laying out and achieving the plan. Take it slow, steady and step by step. Make sure that you schedule yourself in a way that allows for your basic routine needs—get good sleep, eat real food and make sure to drink a lot of water. You will need it as you start to pick up speed next month. They don’t call you Queen of the Jungle for nothing…Just maybe pass on the new hairdo...it won’t work out well.

Virgo—Your usual tricks don’t seem to be panning out this month and the people you interact with don’t seem to be fooled by your hustle. Something is brewing beneath the surface and while it is not yet clear to you, others sense that you are in flux. Get your story straight and make certain that you are actually in alignment.

It feels a little bit like you are talking a fast game in order to keep your work moving forward. There are a lot of missteps and illusions at play, and you seem to be having a hard time keeping your clarity. Think about bringing some fresh insight and creativity into how you talk about your services. Present those foundations in a forward directed and inclusive tense and you may find that people actually trust you more.

You feel like it is time to go big, and yet you can’t quite wrap your arms around how to make that happen. The details feel overwhelming and every time that you try to get into a bigger head space to work with concept, you feel sucked back into the nitty gritty routine of everyday life. For you, the magic of that bigger concept is going to come through those routine habits, so stick with them but try something new. Take a different route to work. Cook the chicken differently. Same routine, different details. Small changes will give you the perspective you need to get under the concept and find the change in structure you need.

It is critically important that you pay attention to where are you pushing too hard and probably making everybody you work with entirely nuts. Ease up on the pressure there and watch your tendency to criticize anybody or anything that isn’t up to your naturally ordered standards. You tend to go low when the pressure is on, and with the amount of pressure you are looking at this month there is a real chance that the asshole in you will be in ascendancy. This propensity is making you miss the bigger picture and the bigger opportunity. If you think a little more outside the box and deliver your ideas with more openness, you will find that the structure you crave builds itself and those details you love will sort themselves out.

Libra—Tough times ahead, Libra, and your native ability to make peace will unfortunately elude you. Your skill set is not tuned to the correct setting to handle the problems you face, and you will need to adjust your dial to get your points across. As the month rolls in, you may question what good you are doing and why you are bothering to show up when it feels like everything you do lands like a wet turd. You feel like you are being very honest about who you are and what you offer, but you may be speaking from a place that is too detached for others to really catch on. Try moving away from big ideas and into speaking from the heart; this will make everything easier and more clear.

You don’t love how sticky and clingy people are at home right now; It feels like they are always asking for your attention and your love without offering too much in return. You need love and relationships to feel balanced and equal, not like you are the one doing all the heavy lifting or organizing every little thing. Take heart, this too shall pass, but while it is you will need to adjust your dial yet again.

There is something in your heart that you aren’t proud of. You wish you didn’t feel this way, and it is pinging against your sense of morality and fairness. It okay to have the feelings you do, and if you let yourself sit in that heart space with no judgment, you will find the illumination you need to fix whatever it is that has brought you to this place. You may need to change a routine that has come out of balance for you, or have heart to heart conversations that will be uncomfortable but transformational. Don’t think of it as a problem, but rather an opportunity.

Yes, it would be much easier to sweep everything under the rug and pretend like you’re Fine. Some of this is because you don’t like conflict and don’t feel terribly bad about prevaricating or throwing down a smoke screen that allows you to hide your real feelings from the world. Just know that this has echoes in karmic patterns for you. Adjust the dial. Get into it where once you would have gotten out of it. Additionally, while the old tactics will work for a while, when the smoke clears that same problem will show up bigger and more expanded. The far better path would be to have that conversation yet again about what really fills your cup.

You’re just going to have to get dirty. I know you don’t like it, but deal.

Scorpio—For a while, you will feel more stable than usual and less interested in the magical waters in which you usually tread. This may force you to question what it really is that you want for your life and how you want to feel as you move through your days. Get in touch with your real feelings about things and let go of anything heavy that you no longer need to carry. Its time has passed.

You are firing on all cylinders when it comes to getting yourself set up in your world. With your feet on firm earth instead of deep water, you can see how to create stable structures that fit your unique way of moving through the world. These structures have very little to do with conventional understanding and everything to do with you really knowing how to create a base that is in alignment with how you function and how you need to feel. Your passion for expansion might have your tongue writing cheques that your ass can’t cash, so work intently, one step at a time. But do it quietly and do it honestly.

Always remember that your emotional barometer is your true guide. Also remember that you can be your own worst enemy. You have started building a new platform for yourself, but that doesn’t mean that the work is complete, or that you have cleared all your karma patterns. Don’t let those same emotions flip you into old behaviour patterns and routines that have you undermining all the progress you have made. Feel, but don’t get swallowed. And when you feel like you might go under, take a break from your planning and do something loving for yourself. Float for a bit—for your health.

Later in the month you need to check your boundaries; you may be infringing upon somebody’s sovereignty. Your quest to get yourself set up in the position that you want to be in has the potential—if not managed—to trend into a dishonest way of getting somebody out of your way. This will absolutely backfire on you energetically and cause a disturbance in the natural flow of your physical body. Slow down. Take right actions. Dissolve your karma. You will then find that you can keep these healthy boundaries, remain in the light, and get where you want to go.

Sagittarius—Who are you, anyway? You feel like your role is changing and you aren’t comfortable in the shoes you have been wearing for a while now. Too much of what you have been offering has been in service to others and their needs. It is time now to get a little selfish and create a vision of the person that you want to be for you.

This might feel a little bit like you are about to jump off the high dive and there is a huge dose of ‘fuckit’ right behind you trying to push you off. Yes? That’s good? For like a week, and then you will probably experience deep regrets as you look your real life in the face and wonder how you blew it up. So maybe while that big ass Jupiter/ Neptune energy is hot around the 14th you use it to investigate how to make the changes you desire in a way that still has growth at its core. Don’t fall for the illusion. Don’t buy into your own press.

If you stop for a moment and breathe into the sheer size of possibility you are facing, you should be able to get a nice big picture of where you have allowed yourself to fall into karmic patterns. You are being asked to see through your own bullshit and to move through the illusion of your ego. You are incredibly insightful, but that doesn’t mean that you have the answers or that arrogance is warranted. Bring your heart into the equation and you will be able to feel what needs to be healed in order for you to move on.

Just about every angle of your life is asking for you attention right now and it can become easy to get swallowed by the intensity, which is how you end up on the fuckit high dive in the first place. With that huge influx of energy and possibility, you may feel overwhelmed and surrounded on all sides. Each day take only one aspect of your life and open up what can be handled in that space alone. The most impact will be achieved when you focus on clear communication, releasing past mistakes, and creating a solid financial foundation. Take it one step at a time and trust that the pressure will release soon to show you the way.

Capricorn—Fuck those assholes anyway, amiright? You have bigger things to focus on and the energy to get out there and start making them happen. You feel very in touch with both your mind and your heart and their expression feels very ordered and forward directed. Do, however, be on the lookout for people around you who don’t have your best interests in their heart. They might unexpectedly push you off your goal. Stay alert. Stay focused. But don’t fall into suspicion, that’s just not healthy for you.

When it feels like your forward momentum is being stalled by smaller minds, take a break. You aren’t the only one who gets a say, and you may find that they have a point if you are willing to listen to their point of view. Sometimes you get so caught up in the goal that you don’t notice the process. This conflict is here to broaden your methods and shine some light on where you shoot yourself in the foot. Being in tune with this, and your ability to hear other opinions, will have a double reward. It also helps you to hear when someone offering an opinion is full of selfish shit. Your inability to hear another’s perspective is a long term deficit to your development.

In all that you are doing, also remember that all of your work to get up the ladder means nothing if it doesn’t have a healthy home to land into. Your reputation may sustain your ego, but it is your home and your body that sustain your life—one without the other is unsustainable. Be aware of where your uncompromising ideals are dropping you into old habit patterns and asking you to sacrifice your health and well-being for wealth and recognition. Refocus your priorities and learn to listen.

How can you create more balance in your life between your personal needs and your personal purpose? Your drive is familiar to you, but your needs may not be. Take a look at who and what makes you feel supported and you should find that the right partners make your quests all the easier. Letting them help you isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather good, solid judgment.

Aquarius—I think you may have forgotten that what you may lack in stability, you make up for in agility, so try to reorder your thinking to trust in the flow. You have access to a higher vision, and can find the big picture very easily if you clear your mind from messy things. There is a strong community available to you if you let yourself let them in, and these people can help you. But, you must assess who in in alignment with your heart, your plans, and your actions. You might be surprised who is...and who isn’t.

In other words, check your social compass and get rid of anybody who isn’t on the same track or who takes more than they give. This is old patterning for you.

Where do you fall into old patterns that allow you to detach from your own heart to be something you are not for someone you don’t care about all that much? You often sacrifice your own time and your own evolution and your own comfort to put yourself into service of an ideal that is truly no longer in resonance with who you want to be or how you want to show up. By end of month this comes into stark relief as a bright light shines on where you operate in this delusion.

Stay aware of what you do that is disconnecting your from your routine of self-care. Are you drinking enough water? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you enforcing your boundaries? Or are you on an uncompromising hustle to get your resources and partnerships into place so that you can enact those big ideas of yours in the community? I get it. But you have to know that if you don’t attend to the small details of self-care that you won’t have anything to give. Make the time.

If you tune into this reality, your house will start to clear up. You can find some space on your calendar to finally deal with the things that make you feel most at home in yourself. Comforting routines and organization of your hearth space will help to keep your mind sharp so that you can keep masterminding your future. Keep your light focused only on you and those who are in harmony with the real you.

Pisces—Are you tired yet? So many themes are running through your house that it may be hard for you to sort them all out or sift through what is real and what is illusion. It cannot be understated that you must not fall into the chaos, but rather settle slowly into a routine that allows you to truly care for yourself. These self-care priorities may not look how you think they should, but it is up to you to determine how best to parent your inner child. Don’t listen to anyone on this subject, but rather track your own ebbs and flows and create a course of care for you that allows you to feel safe and secure.

Y’all be swimming in deep waters right now, so you have to be aware that your intuition is hot. So is your ability to fool yourself and see sea monsters where there be only fish. There is a karmic pattern at play that is asking to be seen and transformed which is forcing you to come into clear contact with the ebb and flow of your emotional state. Notice how it changes when you are at home, or when you are creating, or when you are at work. Your emotional tides hold the key to what you need to heal.

You may feel overwhelmed by all the activity around you and within you, but now is a great time to start to create harmony within all of your different aspects. You have the ability to make solid decisions that are in alignment with your core morality; bringing the hands of divine masculine and feminine together will help you to manage the currents that flow within. There is a lot going on and you are prone to shutting down when the energy is this intense. Try to meditate instead of turning to mood altering substances to cope.

Try to focus your dreaming cap to align with your material needs. It is all well and good to think big and dream big, but you really need to bring some of those dreams into the real world. There is a lot of luck on your side right now, and if you can let go of your own fears to expand into the manifest you will find that your purpose knocks on the door.