May Forecast 2022

May Forecast

So everyone kind of gets excited when Taurus season rolls around. After the looseness of Pisces season and the fury of Aries season, it always feels to me like we finally get some collective energy to sit down and focus and finally get on with it in a fashion that isn’t quite so….harried. Taurus energy is stable and ultimately quite simple. It is the energy of a solid goal, a good meal and a fine conversation. Taurus energy isn’t wasteful and it isn’t fanciful; it has its very own sort of beauty.

Classic. You know?

But as with all things, we exist in a world of nuance. So to say that Taurus season is the season of git-er-dun is overly simplistic. It fails to take into account the many planetary oscillations that are happening both inside the Taurus season and independent of it. So when we look at this month of May, we need to start thinking in layers. Layer one: Taurus. So sit down with that and hone into the vibe. Wherever you have Taurus in your chart is going to start to feel ready. It wants to move. Layer Two: Gemini. Gemini likes lots of input and information. It wants to be curious about everything and committed to nothing. Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini this month, so those aspects intensify.

Layer Three: Aspects on Speed. For the first week or so, Venus and Saturn are basically having a party with themselves. For the last week, Mars pretty much lights on fire and starts streaking through your life like a drunk, naked sailor. And in the middle, there we have our Gemini Mercury in retrograde just babbling along creating very little meaning.

You’ll feel like you know you should be working on things, but you only want to do that work if it shows up with an element of ease. It will be easy to have those big ideas and to talk it up with those that you love and respect. But phrases like “goal-setting” and “knuckle down” feel like the biggest party poopers of all time. Trying to get anything done in true Taurean fashion will feel like pushing a wagon of cow dung up the highest mountain ever in a grocery cart with the jenky wheel.

So why go there? Go with what is working for you when it is working for you. Don’t force yourself to do things you don’t want to do. Trust me, these tasks/goals aren’t going anywhere. You’ll get there when you do.

This happens all month. The energy swings from an intensity of intention to big doses of fuck it. Work hard. Play hard. Sleep hard. You may feel as if you are procrastinating, but please believe that this is not the case. You are being tasked with learning how to experience true balance. You are being given the gift of deconditioning your mind. You will be asked to level off your daily routines to a place where fun and rest are counted equally as importantly as goal achieving and list mastering. You are being asked to find value in the nothingness of laziness, and to explore how you truly value the fullness of busyness.

This takes the shape of those wild swings so that you can get a true taste of each extreme. You actually want to know how each extreme actually tastes a little bad. We aren’t meant to go whole hog all the time—even in the aspects of life where we have been conditioned to ‘go big or go home’. You literally cannot sustain that, so you must learn how to feel/ know when you are behaving like a junkie who is addicted to the high of being an ‘achiever’. You must also learn the value of rest, and what equals an appropriate amount of rest versus actual procrastination of laziness. We don’t do any of this well, so you will find that for this whole month you are going to be jerked about like a rag doll from the high of achievement to the low of sloth.

The invitation here is to determine why we value one as high and one as low….But that’s for you to learn as you use the energy of both Taurus and Gemini to create your own personal baselines. Your own personal thresholds. The heavy hit of the lunar eclipse in Scorpio gives you the impetus to change. The extra push of so many planets hitting Aries gives you just enough energy to be able to survive the ride.

You’ll need it, loves. You’ll need it. I know it sounds like a lot, and wow, I truly wish we could just say, “Taurus season! Yay!” But with astrology it truly isn’t that simple. There is a lot going on right now, and every step we take is teaching us and training us to be more adept, more agile, more aware of who we are and what we need to operate inside of this realm. Life moves pretty fast. And if you don’t slow down sometimes to pay attention, you might miss the opportunity to find the point.

You’re already on this ride. Pay. Attention.

May 01 — Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

Venus conjunct Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces Trine South Node of Fate

Vesta in Aquarius trine Ceres in Gemini

Put aside your responsibilities and do something creative and fun with the people you love. This is a time of blowing out your mind so that you are free from the self-imposed boundaries that you usually set upon yourself. That solar eclipse just last night somewhat blew open the gates of normal, so if you are expecting to go on about your mundane business, you are bound to be frustrated. Kick back, y’all. Take off your shoes and free your mind from the matrix for a while.

*May 02—Sun in Taurus opposition Hygiea Rx in Scorpio

It isn’t actually healthy for you to become so obsessed with your routines that you start to create hard ridges in yourself. Take a moment and really look at how you manage your everyday health—both mental and physical. Where you find rigidity or stubbornness, learn to let go. And if that rigidity is showing up for you as resistance to creating a healthful routine, then look at that too. You are being asked to explore the concept of flexibility—but only you know what that means to you.

May 03 — Venus enters Aries

Venus sextile Moon in Gemini

Again, loosen up and start to lean into what life and love actually mean to you. No, it isn’t anything you can fit on an inspirational poster. Venus here wants to get out there, get going, have fun, drink it all in and love with absolute freedom. So don’t try to create little boxes for yourself, or get trapped in your lists. Let it all go and see what shows up for you. There is an opportunity to express your passion and your enthusiasm. So speak out and be bold!

May 03 — Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

Jupiter sextile Mercury in Gemini

Those big dreams get a little ground here as you can start to see how to make them material. Things that you have been visioning and working towards begin to feel more real and you can start to sense how they will fit into your life. It feels big, right? Like you may have to stretch yourself to fit it all in. Don’t worry, you are infinitely flexible and able to expand as much as is needed.

May 04 — Saturn in Aquarius square South Node of Fate in Scorpio

Don’t get caught up in the way things used to be, or limit yourself to social norms. You are much deeper and vaster than you (or anyone) has ever given you credit for. Does it hurt a little bit to let yourself be blown out? Yes, sure. Does it feel hard to try and make a new structure for yourself that encompasses all that possibility? Of course it does. But the answer here is not to go small, or to go familiar. Go big, baby. You literally can’t go home, so may as well toss up your hands and take the ride. Don’t worry. Its all going to turn out fine.

May 05 — Sun in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus opposition South Node of Fate in Scorpio

Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries

Expect the unexpected as everything just keeps ramping up and gaining speed. You won’t truly know what you are doing or where you are going, but you will sense, down in your kishkas that the destination is worth the ride. Continue to step outside your comfort zone. Make the first move. Be brave and trust that your higher soul knows exactly what is happening and is actually having rather a lot of fun with it.

*May 07 — Moon in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn

I mean, you probably aren’t, you mood, cranky bitch you. Its hard to sustain this level of trust that everything is actually working out. That’s okay it is all part of the process, So when you feel like you want to hole up in your house under the covers and not at all participate in the empire building, you should do that. Remember, this month we are exploring balance; doing nothing has equal value to doing everything. When it is time to rest, rest. This is probably that time.

May 10 — Mercury stations in Gemini

Bah. The cursed mercury retrograde. Do I even need to go into what this all means? This particular Mercury is in its ruling sign of Gemini, so do expect that your communication is where things will feel awry. Watch your words, take your time with your thoughts, and make sure that you mean precisely what you say. And, as always, be extra special slow and deliberate when it comes to contracts or legal agreements. I’m not saying not to do them, just be slow. Double and triple check and run everything by a few trusted souls. These retrogrades last roughly three weeks, which takes us into June.

May 11 — Jupiter enters Aries

Moon in Virgo opposition Sedna in Pisces

Moon in Virgo opposition Mars in Pisces

You will have a few conflicting themes going on here, so try to stay in that careful place f no-mind to help you get through. Jupiter in Aries is asking you to embrace your personal power and realize how much control you actually have over your growth. You will feel pressurized to make a move and take risks that just might lead to powerful payoffs.

However, you will also feel constrained by all the small details that will be asked of you when you try to execute your wild visions. And boy is that going to be a conflict. Like, you want to go BIG, but you can’t quite figure out how to get from point A to point B to SUCCESS. And this makes you feel pissy. It makes you feel like the universe is fucking with you and you are very inclined to take it all personally. Don’t, this too shall pass. Make whatever maps you can and surrender the rest to divine timing.

**May 13—Moon in Libra opposition Venus in Aries; Chiron in Aries

Just make sure that you don’t try to tough your way through things, right? Again and again you feel this inner fire rise up; you’re ready, I get that. But there are some things you need to balance out in your life and in your emotional matrix. You haven’t quite yet dealt with the deeper, inner layer and it is going to keep coming up over and over again until you sit down with it and bring as much weight to those feelings as you do to your desire to get moving forward to the good stuff. I’m not suggesting you stick yourself in the past and wallow there, not at all. But you also cannot simply take off and keep running from the things that will continue to create imbalance in your everyday life. So on this day, while these energies are rising, do the work voluntarily so that it isn’t done for you two days later when the moon eclipses in Scorpio.

**May 15 — Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus; Pallas in Taurus

Scorpio will drag you down to the depths so that you can feel the real truth of the matter. It pulls up things that we wish we never had to look at again, and it forces you to feel it, acknowledge it, heal it and grow from it. Scorpio work is deep and dark and it asks a lot of you. But it is, at its heart, purifying work. This eclipse layers in the sense of being removed from the light so that there aren’t any shadows. There is only darkness, and in this darkness we can see far better than if we had to scrape around the edges of the shadow. So go there, go under. Disconnect from the light mentality and let yourself root through your dark so that you can let go of the past and move forward.

Changes are coming and they are coming fast. Make yourself as unburdened as possible so that your hands are free to grab as much new bounty as you can dream to hold.

May 16 — Ceres enters Cancer trine Vesta in Aquarius & Hygiea in Scorpio

Hot on the heels of that hard clearing comes the loving, mothering asteroid to bring waves of comfort and homebody vibes. Take the day to recoup and stick close to family and loved ones. Keep it simple to complete the healing process.

May 17 — Mercury Rx in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius

So now that you have all this extra space in your luggage, you feel like it is time to fill it with inspiration. But maybe we just don ‘t attach to that, okay? Your heart is in it, but your head is essentially up your ass, so anything you come up with won’t be quite right. It will be just left of the mark and anything you try to lock down will have to be redone. So take it easy and let your mind float along with your heart for sure. Just don’t expect any of it to make sense tomorrow.

May 19 — Sun in Taurus trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn

Mercury Rx in Gemini square Saturn in Aquarius; Vesta in Aquarius

Ok. Take this very brief blip to put your nose to the grindstone and get as much shit done as you possibly can. You have like 2 days before the energy dissipates, so put your stubborn vest on with your do mittens and your warrior helmet and just get the fuck to work. For the next 48 hours you have every tool you need at your disposal and your power levels are off the charts. So all of that shit you have been fluffernutting around with….start. Start and go as far as you can before the steam dies out and you are once again stuck in the mud.

May 21 — Sun enters Gemini conjunct Mercury Rx in Gemini

And just like that. Taurus season is done. It didn’t get you very far now, did it? Suddenly we are in Gemini season and everything goes just a little light. It also goes highly mental and incredibly social. This is when we start to feel summer in the winds and with it the urge to take some time off and just hang out with friends. If you find that that is where you are at, then that’s what you should do. You won’t be terribly interested in work today, so feel free to fuck off to the very best of your ability. Remember. Balance.

*May 23 — Mercury Rx enters Taurus

Repeat after me: Do not get frustrated. Do not get frustrated. Yes, we are still in the retrograde even though it has been pretty easy to deal with up to this point. Maybe you felt a little slow in the head, maybe your words didn’t quite make it out of your mouth the way you wanted. Maybe you stuttered a little bit or forgot to adjust the setting on your filter. A Mercury Rx in Gemini is more of a minor annoyance than anything.

But today, Mercury enters Taurus and that sucks balls. Taurus energy is what we dig for when we want to go forward and get things done. Mercury here makes the retrograde feel even slower and much more sticky. There is an advanced level of frustration when it comes to making decisions and you may find that both you and those around you are feeling inflexible in every situation. Hang tight; it will be over soon.

May 25 — Mars enters Aries

Vesta enters Pisces

Mercury Rx in Taurus opposition South Node of Fate

You will need to be aware of how you go from 0 to 100 when it comes to expressing your sense of power and entitlement. Yes, it is very important to be able to express our needs and to fight for what we believe that we deserve. So you will have a lot of that energy rising up the next several weeks. You won’t at all enjoy anybody trying to infringe on your autonomy and you will be willing to go to the mattresses for the very slightest slight.

You will also be super courageous, spontaneous, action-oriented, and ready to roll. So, you know, not a total shit show. Know when it is time to use that extra boost of power to bring everyone forward, and when it is tome to lay down the sword and let it simmer. Learning to differentiate between the two will ensure that you are operating out of your sense of justice and not out of your wounds and fears.

May 27 — Venus in Aries conjunct Moon in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn; Opposition Hygiea

Ehhhh. I’m probably going to stay home this day and let the masses crank it out amongst themselves. This is some seriously hot energy that has everyone running on short fuses and a sense of selfishness that is hard to explain. You want what you want when you want it and that was ten minutes ago so you may just pop off and Karen your way through the situation. Talk about temperamental. It will be super easy for you to let people crawl right up under your skin and you won’t feel at all shy about letting them know how you feel about it. Like I said. Maybe just stay home.

May 29th— Venus enters Taurus

Mars in Aries conjunct Jupiter in Aries

That intensity doesn’t really simmer down any, but it does change tune. Instead of feeling like you want to punch people to get out of your way, you feel more like you just want to keep going at a steady clip with a good sense of what you need in order to feel stable and content. So your actions will have intensity, but they will be incredibly focused on what works for you. This allows that impatient pushing that had plagued you to transmute into a more settled press.

Pick your battles, right? Only take on that which absolutely furthers your goals. Luckily, your sense of achievement includes how you feel and how you take care of yourself, so this is a very healthy time of endeavouring.

*May 30 — New moon in Gemini

New moons are a great time to work with the theme of renewal. However, with this particular moon in Gemini—who is ruled by Mercury, which is in retrograde—perhaps we all just take a moment to reflect on those we love and make some renewed commitments to spend time being social, happy and light. No big planning here, y’all. Reflect, refract and renew all things good in your life.