June Forecast 2022

June Forecast

You know, I feel like all I have been saying to people is, “wait...wait...its coming. Don’t worry…” I was actually starting to worry that it would never actually get moving and that I was spinning us all a grand tale of hope which would never come to pass.

And then I opened up June to a grand chorus of Thank the Gods. Here we go, y’all. Here. We. Go.

The thing that is interesting about June is that it straddles Gemini season as well as Cancer season and these are very different motifs. One might think that you would feel a tangible gear shift and that suddenly you just feel like you have to settle down with your people and kickback in the lazy summer vibes. But that isn’t quite it here. A lot of Gemini carries through into Cancer and a lot of Cancer shows up way before the Solstice lands down. So we see a good bit of energy that has you preparing for the shift and a lot of energy that keeps on keepin’ on after the shift happens.

How that takes shape shows up as a need for you to come into alignment with what your real values are. Mercury going direct just as Saturn goes retrograde forces you to do this instead of simply popping the gear and thrusting forward once Jupiter and Mars align in Aries. Believe me, you’ll want to. Especially after all of that cosmic waiting. But a piece of you will know, way down deep, that you have to figure something out before you go haring off willy-nilly towards the action you have been craving. Saturn going retrograde makes you pause and think about what structures you have been operating from—what paradigms—that cannot go forward. These are big picture beliefs that have absolutely served you up to now.

But they won’t take you where you want to go. So they need to change. They need to adapt.

A lot of these structures are Cancerian in nature. They deal with your role in the family structure and what you have done as offering inside that role. You are about to change. Things are about to change. And that means that life is about to change. You don’t need to get rid of the family to get rid of the role. But you do have to know all the aspects of that role in order to adapt it to the new direction and new role that you want to hold. This is going to be uncomfortable, and there are lots of places this month where you run head up against that. People know you in a certain way and now you want to change that.

It doesn’t have to be a battle, but it does have to be addressed. The secret to getting through this is learning how to be in balance, and how to be in touch with your illusions. Know where you fool yourself and where you fool others. Know where you put on happy faces and where you suck up more than your fair share. This month is going to be especially challenging for mothers who are looking to re-balance the scales of motherhood and independence. It can be done. But it only comes at the hands of real self-exploration and a complete banishment of any illusions you may have cast over the family about who you are and who you want to be. Always remember to be clear and honest—with yourself first. The rest flows naturally from that.

When you do that, when you know who you are and what you want, then you can start to do the work that brings everyone into balance. This Solstice has great energy to express both gratitude for the ways things are and also a desire to adjust those things to be more inclusive of new growth patterns. This is a system of refinement that we don’t often see expressed in the magical world. You don’t have to destroy what was in order to build what is coming. This energy is that of alterations, of tweaks, or refinement.

Then when that New Moon lands at the end of the month, you can roll everyone in, right? It is highly logical and highly progressive if you look at it from end to end. First you, then we. It is time to begin, y’all. So get it all sorted out.

Jun 03 — Mercury stations in Taurus

Moon in Cancer opposition Pluto Rx in Capricorn

Hygiea Rx in Scorpio opposition Pallas in Taurus

This moment here, this breath before things begin to move again, is rife with internal conflict. You know what you want and you can absolutely taste it. But there are lingering pieces that you must yet dig out before things start to move with any form of confidence. Old habits need to be examined; Old patterns need to be excised. There are things about what you believe will bring you comfort that are not in alignment with what will actually bring you comfort as you move forward on this new path. Take the time, take the day, to pull out those threads. Use your intellect and your discernment, not your heart.

Jun 04 — Saturn stations in Aquarius square Mercury Stationed in Taurus

Moon in Leo opposition Pluto Rx in Capricorn

The energy gets frustrating for you as you feel both the thrust and the stall in the same breath. Saturn has big ideas and is asking you to take a moment with those ideas before acting upon them. Mercury wants you to be doubly, triply sure that you have those ideas in hand before you can move on them. Unfortunately, your creative heart is over having to think and plan and organize and strategize. It wants to move and to go and to be free to start the journey of self-expression. Take this moment; it is being offered to you as a gift. Look back over your notes and fix whatever needs fixing, because once this party gets started it is a full court press all the way.

This moon in Leo is nasty for the next several days, so try to keep your pride in check.

June 09—Moon In Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries; Mars in Aries; Chiron in Aries

It isn’t going to be easy to make everybody happy, just remember that. Also remember that it is a fine balancing act between making compromises and self-sacrificing. There is a lot of energy and a lot of fire behind everyone’s actions; we are all impatient to get going. When someone comes at you with fire, return water, but make certain that you don’t put the fire all the way out. Teamwork and compromise is the answer to all of these conflicts. Speak up for yourself, but listen to what others want as well. That balancing act is the only way through the conflict.

Jun 10 — Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn

If you have done the work asked of you in the previous week, you will now feel the beginning of the beginning. The plans you have made can start to take shape, and you can feel the hand of fate at your back. There are great possibilities on the horizon if you stay focused and take things one step at a time.

Jun 11 — Venus in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Sedna in Pisces trine South Node of Fate in Scorpio

Juno in Pisces sextile North Node in Taurus

Expect some shakeups as you implement your future plans. We have all felt ‘on hold’ for so long that now that there is movement, there is bound to be discomfort. People who have relied on you to be one way will not be best pleased when you start behaving otherwise. If you have been tucked away at home and are now out of the house quite a lot, you can expect to feel resistance and pushback from those who have grown accustomed to your homebody role. This is all inside the grand design of change; it is part and parcel of the movements of fate. Execute your dreams with a clear head and a clear heart and you will find that resistance fades beneath your gentle surety. There is no need to battle, or to explain. Your actions and your intentions will do all of the work for you.

Jun 12—Moon in Scorpio conjunct South Node in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces; Sedna in Pisces; Juno in Pisces

There is so much churning beneath the surface, that you must be singly impeccable with your words and your deeds. Think twice, measure three times, and then consider making the change. This is not a good time to emotionally blaze your way through major life changes. Your feelings are not in line with your head, and you may be a little too immersed in the illusion of your emotions. Take a moment, tease out where you may be acting irrationally, or out of the past. Your intuition is off the charts, but that does not mean that you are automatically correct. Be patient and still until your head lines up and joins the game.

Jun 14 — Mercury enters Gemini

Full Moon in Sagittarius opposition Sun in Gemini

Put everything aside this day and let yourself bask only in the sublime. Have fun, be with friends, take an adventure. The Sun and the Moon are in their opposing signs and also opposing one another. Be prepared for a conflict of interest that has no possible resolution. Let it go, let it be and let it sort itself out—because it will. Keep your eyes to the heavens and your best instincts will win the day. And while all of that is in the hands of the gods, go out and have some fun. Just maybe not too much.

Jun 16 — Sun in Gemini trine Saturn Rx in Aquarius

Moon in Capricorn trine Venus in Taurus; Pallas in Taurus

See? All it took was a couple of days and everything has sorted itself out. You have both the clarity and the drive to get yourself aligned with your goals and your own best interests. The reminder here is to keep your work and your home life in balance so that when times get rough—as they often do—you will have a safe haven in which to take shelter.

Jun 18 — Venus in Taurus square Saturn Rx in Aquarius; Moon in Aquarius

Ok, some not so happy energy here for the day, so don’t take anything personally. Remember that when a loved one disappoints you or flat out pisses you off. This energy is much better for large group social situations rather than intimate ones, so make it a triple date if you can’t leave the partner at home and head out with the pals.

Jun 19 — Moon in Pisces trine Sun in Gemini

Ceres in Cancer trine Juno in Pisces

After that night out with friends, you will feel much better about spending this night in with loved ones and family. Everything about you and around you feels softer and those hard edges around yesterday are almost completely faded away. All it took was a day away and a some time apart to help you reset your priorities when it comes to boundaries with those you love and care for. Try to take the lesson with you as you move forward that you can love your people as deeply as the flowing ocean, but every drop is still its own drop. Its okay to take time out to do only what it is that you want to do. Everyone is richer for it.

Jun 21 —Jupiter in Aries conjunct Moon in Aries

Sun enters Cancer/Summer Solstice

Venus in Taurus trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn

Pallas in Taurus trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn

The corners of the year give up opportunities in time. This particular corner—the Summer Solstice—is backed up by some energy that gives us a huge and noticeable boost. The Solstice is the longest day of the year, so we are working with the concept of light. Everything you are working on will have the benefit of this light today. Summer Solstice also has the energy of Cancer, so all things dealing with those we hold dear will also benefit from the light of this day. Add in the boost of an Aries Moon (go, go, go!) and an Aries Jupiter (bigger, better, more!) conjunction, the natural light of this solstice is amplified by a robust plate of desires.

What is interesting is that these energies are focused by both Venus and Pallas in the very practical sign of Taurus, both of whom are trined to Pluto in Capricorn. So when you layer all of that up, you find a surge of expansive energy channelled into an aligned heart and head that is very focused on things that matter. Your people, your business, your home, your life. None of the glitter of the illusory world is holding any fascination; you only want that which is real, and solid and useful. And you want more and more of that as you sit down to nest in your life.

This is a fascinating solstice that gives you the opportunity to be extremely grateful for what you have and also ask for as much more as your life can handle. You do not diminish one by asking for the other. So root down and ask big. Then be prepared to accept it all with wide arms and open heart.

Jun 23 — Venus enters Gemini

Feel things start to lighten up as the summer warms us. Your thoughts move faster and your desires grow simpler. Good friends, and good times are plenty for you for just a little while. When in doubt, take it outside with a glass of lemonade to let the fireflies sort it out. Big worries are not for you today.

Jun 25 — Sun in Cancer trine Vesta in Pisces

Juno in Pisces trine Ceres in Cancer

This is a good time to sort out who deserves your efforts. You may find that someone you had considered tribe doesn’t consider you quite the same and isn’t interested in reciprocating all that you offer. It is important for you to know this so that you can reserve your loving efforts for those who love you the same. When you care, you offer but you cannot offer in order to earn care. You must attend to your fullness so that when you do make your offerings, you don’t do so out of need. This is an important distinction for you to learn, and this day provides just that test.

Jun 28 — Neptune stations in Pisces

Over the next few months, this retrograde shakes us out of fantasy and forces us to integrate fact—not an easy task. Your overwhelming sense of being on pointe with your intuition is going to fade somewhat under the harsh lights of everyday practicalities. So take it easy with yourself, learn to merge your intuition into the mundane, and you will find that this Retrograde Neptune actually allows you to see things in ways you had not previously seen. How do you make that dream a reality?

Jun 29— New moon in Cancer conjunct Sun in Cancer

Each New Moon is an opportunity to start again. So that which the Solstice bathed in light can tucked and tended in the dark. With the heart and the soul rooted in the home loving sign of Cancer, this particular New Moon is asking you to rope all of your loved ones into these developments and growths you have experienced for yourself. You have tended your own garden, but now you make room for them to grow with you. How can you add them in so that they feel supported by what you are making? How can you develop a true community that creates kindness, generosity, space and harmony for everyone involved?

This moon is very sweet and it opens a lot of possibility. Just remember that it is also very inclusive, so any manifesting work you do needs to be centered around the group and how we all work together to achieve the best for all.