Waxing Moon Horoscopes by Sign

New Moon to Full Moon—June 1st-14th

Aries—Interestingly, when I start to tune in to what is going on for you these next two weeks, I can’t seem to shake the old Public Enemy rap, “So get up and get, get, get down. 911 is a joke in your town…” And looking at the planets, that is actually a very apt summation. You have a fuck ton of energy in your house that comes together and spreads apart like an accordion bring a sense of wanting to get up and get down, get going and get on with it. Jupiter makes you want to go big and Mars makes you want to go now. But Chiron is there to remind you that help is not around the corner. No one is coming to help you and you are absolutely on your own wherever you end up. So be sure you know where you are going and what you plan to do what you get there. Avoid moving just for the sake of being in motion. There is a lot more at stake that you might see, or know, and you are going to have to dig pretty deep into the independence bucket to keep your stamina up once you get where you think you need to be. Before you roll, check in. You are on your own here.

Taurus—Things are a little tight for you for the first week of so until Mercury slides direct and moves into Gemini. You feel disrupted on a number of levels, but most notably in your comfort routines. Try not to get cranky about it, or stubborn. You have an opportunity to re-write some habits here that will have you becoming more in alignment with your current rhythms instead of your old, learned patterns. This has the potential to get ugly for you as it triggers your emotional polar opposite and asks you to swim in waters that make you fundamentally uncomfortable. Just before the full moon, your may feel unstable, over-emotional and as if your comfort zone is being threatened. This is because your comfort zone needs to change at a karmic level; you have to try new ways. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, but do realize that everything is up for review.

Gemini—Things are actually pretty clear for you right now, and should remain so as the moon grows to full. Even with your ruling planet starting the month out in retrograde and stationing for a couple of days, which certainly slows things down from Gemini speed, you have more consistent energy than most signs will experience. Once you feel things begin to roll, just stay steady. Don’t rush ahead, don’t suddenly change course, don’t give up. Just keep your hand steady on the wheel and maintain your sense of humour. Things look good, so don’t trip yourself up or become you own impatient worst enemy. Keep your head; Its all good.

Cancer-- Vesta, Hygiea & Ceres form a grand water trine for you as the lunar cycle starts off which gives you a great sense of what you need to be working with and on. As a notorious family-oriented homebody you are being both boosted and tasked with sorting out your precise role inside these environments in which you thrive. Do it with joy. Your nature is one that enjoys providing bounty for your loved ones, so do just that thing. But you also need your autonomy and your own space, so be certain that you are creating family structures that build that in. I’m not certain that you have been doing that terribly well recently, and you need to check that you have balanced this need with your other driving need for healthy routine. This is that chance. Don’t let the routine run you, but rather set the routine up with enough flexibility for a self-care audible. Get me? There is a lot of energy out there that is setting you up to be one hell of a cranky bitch as you come closer to the full moon, so do some work early in the cycle when your moon is in deep harmony with you. This should help to moderate the lunar fluctuations and give you the appropriate tools to deal.

Leo—Once Mercury stations direct on the 3rd you will feel an amazing sense of release. Something that has been pent up creatively is being given the green light. It will receive the full blessing of an Aries Jupiter and an Aries Mars, so be prepared to hop on a freight train of activity once the steam is released. You will, however, have to do one last high-level review of your map and a full dress rehearsal of your intentions before you will start to see anything come of this. This is to be sure that you aren’t operating out of Leonine ego, or merely seeking status. You’ll have to be careful as you move forward that you have clear vision in all areas of your life that are going to be impacted by whatever actions you take. Make a list, take a review and then move forward with clear eyes.

Virgo--You’re in your element as the moon waxes, but do be careful. Sometimes the parts of us that are the most comfortable are the ones that we actually need to challenge. Your head is happily mired in details, planning, and structuring. Your ability to look over a situation and see all of the planning points is definitely at a high. However, you may get so excited to feel so at home that you actually miss the point of the exercise. Try to explore how you can use these native talents in a different way, one that taps into real and true independence—not just chaos management that looks like liberation. They are quite different things. Address the greater reality in your life, not just the small things that are in your face at this moment. You have a brief window to challenge the piece of you that dwells in the illusion that maintenance is control. Use it and clear it.

Libra--You will feel a very rare type of impatience for you, so breathe in. Then breathe out. There is not much you can do about this, given that your strange desire to fly off the handle will chafe against your more natural desire to gloss it over so no one gets hurt. Some of this is a need to learn how to really let it rip when the time is right, and how to not give a flying shit what anybody thinks about what you want for you. Take a look at what you cling to and try to figure out why the structure of that is appealing to you. It isn’t easy to make everybody happy, just remember that. It also isn’t easy to make yourself happy when you are always trying to make others feel easy. It is a fine balancing act between making compromises and self-sacrificing; this is the time for you to sort out the authentic balance between yourself and others in your life. Get a bird’s eye view on it and the truth should become clear.

Scorpio—You can expect to feel much more earth bound that usual, and this actually seems like a comfort to you. As a creature of dark water, you are very accustomed to seeing through the density. You have a keen ability to intuit and create clarity from situations that are completely unclear. While this is second nature to you, you may not realize what a drain that is on you energetically. Day after day you are pulling understanding from the unknown and that will wear you down no matter how good you are at it. As the moon waxes, you don’t have to draw on this ability and can receive the information you need straight up. It is all there and it is all quite clear. The challenge for you is going to be trusting that what you see is exactly what is going on. Just before the moon reaches full, you can slip back into your comfortable waters, taking that information into the deep with you to find that next level you innately trust. Don’t try and look for it before then—you will just be creating shadows where there are none.

Sagittarius--Pull out the dancing shoes, make a few reservations and go on out now, hear me? All that planning and waiting has finally earned you the time to get back out and do what you love to do best. You may have to stick closer to home than is in your ultimate ideal, but you should find that there is plenty to do locally that will stimulate all the best parts of you. Try to watch your mouth and be grateful for what you are able to do, instead of resentful for what you cannot. That time is coming, and as the moon waxes, you will have plenty of opportunities to try new things and create new plans. You don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings just because you want something that cannot be gotten at precisely this moment. Once the moon is full, that danger has passed and you will be fully in alignment with the best parts of you. Just do try to remember your limitations and try to avoid going out for a new haircut or colour at that time. That one, you will regret.

Capricorn—Take some time off, Capricorn. Just call in sick, arrange a vacation, or take some half days. Your ruling planet stations to turn retrograde on the 5th and spends the first few days of its inward journey in opposition to a Leo Moon and Square to a retrograde North Node. You just aren’t going to have that full head of steam that you usually do and your clarity is going to be for shit. So trying to press forward the way you do will only yield frustrations and make a grander mess of things that you like. Just before the moon comes full, you will find a bit of balance that comes at the hands of good friends and allies, but if you aren’t settled back and relaxed, the opportunity for them to give you what you actually need will pass and you will find yourself even more conflicted than before. Slow down for the first week of this cycle and take some time for yourself with no expectations of achieving absolutely anything of import at all. This will set you up for that one sparkling moment when someone you love gives you just the right gem to help set you straight.

Aquarius--Gotta say that everyone knows how independent you are. And also how you can flip from healthy independence to toxic independence in a heartbeat. I want you to take a moment right now to really think about that concept so that you can pull out any triggers that may be lurking deep in your back pocket. As the lunar cycle commences, your ruling planet lines up with both the North Node and also a retrograded Mercury in Taurus. This gives you some space to get your hands on it. But very quickly, that Mercury goes direct and takes the energy of Uranus with it. Quickly thereafter, Uranus taps Venus in Taurus and you feel these rumbles all start to settle into reality. Things start to move and change, which puts everything in your home and money life up for review very, very quickly. You will be best served at looking through these two closets to determine what traumas cause you to turn on that proverbial toxic independent dime. It can get nasty here, and very emotional if you don’t get ahead of it before the moon pulls full. Clear the decks before the decks clear you.

Pisces--The pressure starts to thin as this lunar cycle moves on. You have had a lot of planets and asteroids doing a very complicated dance through your house for a few months now. You are feeling them move on, taking that drastic energy with them. Take a breath and let them pass gracefully. Don’t try to hold on to the intensity out of the high that the intensity brings you. It is time to focus on what makes you feel healthy, full, independent and connected. You should be able to see now what damage you have been holding on to that gives you that ‘out clause’ into chaos and victimhood. Once you see it, let it go. Remember that no one but you rules your fate and that which has happened in the past is not necessarily an indicator of how it must be in the future. Let go of your patterns so new paths of intuition can be opened to you.