May Horoscopes by Sign 8th-15th

Aries—As corny as it may sound, let love be your guide this week. A warm and creative moon bounces off of a feisty Chiron that is ready to get up and get on with it. So wherever your heart has been broken—be in it love, friendship, work or other—you have a window here to to let it heal. It is time to move on from that hurt and open up to a new type of love. Be flirty, be fearless, be bold. Your best nature is available to you if you don’t over think it.

Taurus—This goes against your nature, I know. But try not to force anything to land this week. Your ideas are good, and your mind is very clear, so it seems like a good time to start making blueprints. However, you may find that once you try to start locking things down that everything goes a little upside down. It just isn’t time to put the foundation in quite yet. You have missed something, so before you start creating situations that can’t be changed, re-evaluate.

Gemini—Take a breath, Gemini and hold still. You naturally rush through things and take in a lot of information by osmosis. This week, your home planet in its home sign stations to go retrograde. That in and of itself should give you pause. But additionally, this stationed mercury hits up both Pluto in Capricorn and a Moon in Virgo. These placements are all about planning, so this pause of yours is an opportunity for you to go back over some ground and make sure that you are actually getting what you want. Take that minute and don’t push

Cancer—This week is going to be a little emotional for you, with just a touch of multiple personality disorder. You want to go out and see people! No, you just want everyone to leave you alone! No, you should feather your nest! No, you have to get out of the house! No, you want a romantic evening! No, you want them not to touch you! The moon this week is opposing a number of asteroids and planets as it cycles the earth, so you just need to hang on for the rind. Do what feels right when it feels right and avoid making any declarations that have weight. When you wonder if it is you or them that’s being crazy….its you, hon. Its you.

Leo—This is the week of shining bright lights in dark corners. So if you feel compelled to get into the back of that closet, or in the bowels of the storage shed, that is completely in keeping with your energy all week. You may also find yourself digging up ugly memories from the past and airing them out, or trying them back on for size. Try to let this process be a joyful one and don’t let it lead you back into toxic independence—which can be a default setting for you. Whatever needs to come up will come up and just sit it in the sun and the air for a while. You may find that once it is out in the open you can let it go and start up something new. Something that fits.

Virgo—The stationing of your ruling planet feels more liberating for you than one might expect. It gives you some time and space to get out of “do” mind and into “be” mind, which lets you see beyond your normal range. There is some great energy for you to look into your dream space and see where you want to redirect your efforts to bring them more into alignment with the new you that has been emerging over the last few years. Resist the urge to surge forward; all of the work that is in store for you is purely astral. Dream, Vision, Imagine and in that space let your heart do the talking.

Libra—You may be traveling over old ground this week as your mind turns back into the past. You can find yourself reminiscing about old loves, or pulling out old wounds from former loves. Try to just take this re-visiting as an opportunity to finally be done with whatever comes up. That isn’t you any longer and those mistakes truly no longer have any impact on your current being. You are larger now, and more ready than ever to let the transformation happen. It doesn’t look like a pretty transformation, but it certainly won’t kill you, so just keep on keepin’ on. Take a shower. Put on your makeup. Get dressed to show your best. This too, shall pass.

Scorpio—For a sign that is generally quite comfortable in the unknown, you may find that you are all about how to create a material security. Latent fears around autonomy and financial viability will rise up, leading you to lean into daily routines as a marker of your safety quotient. The mysteries of life are uninteresting; the nuts and bolt are. So when you find yourself creating spreadsheets rather than rituals, own it. This is the next step for you that will cycle you back to deeper things at some point. But for now, relish the earthy pieces of you that don’t often get exercised.

Sagittarius—The switch flips this week from dreaming to doing in a very material way. Even as Mercury stations to go retrograde, you feel a HUGE push to get on with it, to make deals, to seal contracts and to generally get the show on the road. For the most part, you can ignore the retrograde rhetoric; Your Jupiter trumps that Mercury when it comes to power of intent. Just know that the best first step for harnessing this energy is to work it into your physical body. Start walking, lay down a new gym routine, get this energy wired into your physical matrix. This gives your efforts a lot more ground and a lot more staying power as you prepare to take on the world.

Capricorn—On some level, even when you are surrounded by people, you feel like you will need to take care of everything yourself. I know this is a natural baseline for you, but this week that amplifies when your ruling planet conjuncts the asteroid Vesta. This alignment is all about autonomy. However, you will need to be extra aware of how you act that autonomy out. Note if it comes from a place of fullness, or a space of lack. Is it rooted in contempt for the actions of others, or is it a defense mechanism left over from experiences of the past? You are being asked to transform this piece of yourself so that going forward, your efforts to care for yourself come from a place of healthy neutrality.

Aquarius—You are in an interesting phase of tearing it all down at the exact same time that you are building it all up—only different. You may find that your desire to create living structures for yourself is far deeper than it has ever been and somewhat ‘out of character’ for normal times Aquarius. But these are not normal times, they are extraordinary times, and your usual desire to rise above and look at the big picture is diminished. You want to see the details. You want to see just how one should take the very next step and the very next step only. The urge for you to get down to brass tacks is new—possibly—foreign. But you can absolutely rely on your native ability to roll with the new. This will be normal for you in short order.

Pisces—The pressure should be easing here shortly as a few major planets start to move on. Your ruling planet is cozily tucked here, so your natural ability to wander the astral realms in search of wisdom is in full effect. But the added pressure of Jupiter to go bigger and get father will recede some, allowing you to sit back in the pocket and take a moment to assess all of the information coming in. You have a lot of drive right now, but your ability to execute things in a logical pattern is also returning to baseline. So expect to feel inspired but not motivated, creative but not organized. Try not to spin up, but rather lean in to your strengths and go with the flow.