June Waning Moon Horoscopes by SIgn

June Full Moon to New 14th-29th

Aries—Remember that part where I said you were on your own? Well, the subtext on that is to think before you act. I’m not sure that was clear, or if it was clear, if you were able to get over your smokin’ feet to really hear me. You have a lot of energy, right? But it is not at all lining up with your truth. I don’t know what that truth is, but it has echoes around wanting two things that are not in alignment, and with what you authentically need from home. You are trying to appease two masters and for the moment, you are managing. But what you aren’t realizing is that management is not success, but rather you taking energy out of your core, your health, your heart to make two things work together that no longer want to work together. You still have time to be inside this system you have created for yourself, but as the Solstice dawns, you will come to realize that some hard decisions are on the horizon. Its time to get real.

Taurus-- Echoes of the past keep murmuring to you, and you truly feel inclined to try and sort them out once and for all. So get into that proverbial ancestral closet and start digging the kernel of it out. Interestingly, the tool for this lies inside your daily structures and your long term goals. As the moon was waxing, you had to figure out which of these daily structures were habits from the past, now as the moon is waning, you need to figure out why you relied upon them so dearly. Your ruling planet, Venus, conjuncts with Pallas which indicates that you should lean into your intellect to do this. You have the answers, so get down with them and think. I will tell you right now that this is going to be so dearly unpleasant and may have the side effect of making you feel pretty stupid. I know you don’t appreciate that, but don’t avoid the sensation, or get stuck in it. We all make stupid decisions sometimes, but try to remind yourself that you did the best that you could when you knew what you knew. Now you know better, so you will do better. By the time the moon is new, this pressure eases up, so take the opportunity while it is there and then let it all go and move on to better pathways.

Gemini—There is an interesting conflict for you this cycle, Gemini. Generally, for you, reconciling conflict is not hard given that you are incredibly adept at managing disparate ideas or desires. You are uniquely skilled at juggling and that’s a fact. But what is showing up here for you is an internal conflict between your intellectual processes and your core intuition, and you can’t quite wrap yourself around what it is that you are supposed to do. This is compounded because whatever it is that you most want to do speaks to a piece of you that is dedicated down to your heart; you love this idea, this action, this exercise, whatever it is. You love it. It speaks to your creativity and your spirit. You feel committed to it in a very special way. But this thing is making your head just nuts. You can’t make it line up and you can’t get it to roll in any sort of line. So on some level, you are trying to rearrange your thought processes to accommodate the intuitive variances that are creating this (seemingly) erratic situation. Stand down. You will have to try to let logic go for a little while and trust in the mystery. This is unfolding as it should and does not need your intellectual interference. Take the ride and wait for the moon to align with Mercury just as it comes to new. Everything will make sense then.

Cancer—Once the moon crests and starts to wane, you will have about a week of feeling super helpful, loving and in tune with your people. That crankiness of earlier in the month has passes to a geniality that is expressed in the way that you know best—taking care of others. Keep it social and keep it light; this isn’t the time to dig into other people’s deep shit, but rather a time to make sure that you are a friend that shows up for the good times. Go out with someone who needs to get out of the house. Bring over some dinner and hang with another who needs to dial down. The way you will best serve those that you love is by being what they need when they need it. So use your intuition to figure out what that is and just fill the need. Once the Sun crosses the threshold into your sign with the Solstice, you will want to have managed these small maintenances so that you can settle back into what truly makes you happy—being immersed in hearth and home.

Leo—You’re covering old ground for a bit here, so be patient. There is something that you are not hearing from your intuition and until you do, you will keep moving over and over again over the same tread. Its okay. It is supposed to happen. So take a look at the following areas before the Solstice and become aware of your authentic stance on things. How do you balance your daily structures against the demands of your network? Where do you violate your boundaries out of love or compassion? How do you tend to your passions are are they receiving enough of your attention? It is a good time to get clear on all this because there is a hot moment post Solstice where where you are extremely vulnerable to your pride and your ego and the feeling of being taken advantage of. Get rid of that before it arrives so that you don’t fall into an illusion of victim hood that is of your own making. Stay close to home and nurture yourself on this New Moon. It is a time of planting seeds that will bring you health in all of these areas.

Virgo—You are going to want to take a fresh outlook n your daily routines, something there has grown stale and needs to be re-visioned. You have the energy now that your ruling planet has gone direct in the fun and agile sign of Gemini. There is a lot of movement in your mind, so put it to good use and root out things that are simply moving along old tracks by rote. There is a lot here that can make you feel uncomfortable as your heart may way to stay attached to what it knows. But the opportunity for you is to dive into that discomfort so that you can discover another (hidden) level to your desires that will bring this heart into alignment. If you wait it out and don’t get fixated on those feelings of discomfort, you will realize that this too shall pass and within the week, just as the moon is falling new, it all lines up and starts to feel much, much easier. You aren’t the most flexible of beings, Virgo, but you are going to have to embrace the energy of your Mercury and let it all flow.

Libra—You may have felt as if things were a little tight for your liking, with family and home obligations taking center stage. This is because your ruling planet—Venus--has been pretty cozily tucked up in Taurus for a few weeks. Venus loves being in Taurus, but it is an earth sign and you are all about the air. So in some ways you have been of two minds. It has been nice to be so grounded and rooted in comfort. But you tend to prefer more movement than this rooting allows. I hope you have managed to enjoy what you can of this because now Venus moves into fellow air sign Gemini right around the Solstice, so this rootedness is shifting over to that airy style that you so prefer. So expect everything to feel much lighter and to have a far larger social component than it has recently. This is right up your alley. Once the moon reaches New, expect to feel tuned in and turned on. Go ahead and get out there to do what you do best. Have fun!

Scorpio—I gotta say, having the South Node in your house for the last two years must be kinda tough. I mean, you guys are excavators in the simplest of times, but having this extra special node of karma up all up in your face must make you feel like you can see everyone’s skeletons roaming free of the closet all the damn time. Additionally, with your ruling planet in retrograde and pretty much camping out in Capricorn, you have the added boost of being able to see all of the structures that need to die. I can’t imagine it has been easy, and I can’t imagine it will get any easier until that South Node fucks off sometime in July of next year. That being said, I do hope that you have managed this with some sort of grace and tried to use the se superpowers to their best benefit. These next two weeks, as the moon wanes down to new, try to apply this energy to the task of figuring out where you over-mother at the expense of your own health. Any mother energy and all mother energy, including that of the Dark Mother. You have been giving away a lot and you need to stop that shit by the time the moon is Black. Let there be light, let there be freedom and let there be ease. This would be a great Solstice ritual for you to help you claw your way out of everyone’s closet and into the pursuit of levity and light. By the end of this cycle you need to be able to let that intensity go on command, developing the ability to change gears on your timetable and not anybody else’s dancing skeleton.

Sagittarius—I do love a good status quo, so go ahead and chalk this up to a win. The energy of Jupiter is decently unimpeded for the next few weeks, bouncing only lightly off of the South Node in Scorpio. But, then again, it has been bouncing off of the South Node for weeks so you are likely inured to the sensation by now. Keep doing what you are doing, knowing that you are blessed with great motion for the next while. On the eve of Solstice, the Moon conjunct Jupiter in Aries adds and extra layer to your extra, so expect to feel even more like yourself, even more in tune, even more powerful. And while this is all really, really good, you do have to think of yourself a bit like Death by Chocolate. Its soooooo goood, but it’s really A LOT. Just remember that as you take actions and make decisions. Moderate, Sagittarius, Moderate. You really do have to be home sometimes.

Capricorn—Your ruling planet went retrograde earlier this month, so you may be feeling a good bit of reflectiveness or heaviness depending on where your natal Saturn resides. Currently, it is in Aquarius, which is a sign of forward thinking, and community minded, collective energy. This is not naturally your energy; Capricorn tends to be much more driven to achieve personal goals rather than group ones. So as this starts to melt in the pot, don’t be surprised if you start to bounce your personal goals off of a more collective mindset. You very much need to be aware of how your friends impact your life. This is the time of re-evaluating whether or not the company you keep is on track with the elevation you wish to achieve. This retrograded Saturn spends a very healthy chunk of this waning lunar cycle challenged by all things Taurus, so you will have very earthy issues in mind as you reflect on these people and the roles they take in your future. Do not be surprised if friendships fall away. Do not be surprised if old family issues rise up. The opportunity here is for you to see and reflect if these people/issues are anything you want to carry forward with you. It looks to be a little bumpy for a while, so try to take solace in the realization that this clearing is all for your highest good.

Aquarius—There is a lot of feminine energy available to you for this waning moon, so it may be a great exercise for you to explore what that means to you. Notably, the asteroids Ceres and Juno are teaming up with your Uranus to shake up some of the beliefs you have around what home actually means. How do you create bounty for yourself? How do you think about prosperity? How do you hold the concept of partnership inside those paradigms? There is something in you that needs to be lanced—a poison of sorts—that you had used to protect yourself, but has now become something that is harmful instead of helpful. A past relationship that went sour laid down this venom, and now is the time for you to pull it out and get rid of it. The next partner for you is most likely not going to screw you over in the same way; it is time to start looking at that injury as a singular event, rather than collapsing it into a belief system. The energy to clear this is going to be strongest just as the moon falls to new, so it would be a good ritual for you to run. Forgive what needs to be forgiven, forget that which cannot. But do stop poisoning your future partnerships with bad habits from the past.

Pisces—This Saturn situation is probably going to hit you a little harder than you were expecting. Your whole chart for the waning moon reads a bit like a blast from the past coming up for you to deal with. Could be old habits, and old love, or even old friends calling out of the blue. There is something here for you to learn, and to deal with in that special Pisces way that you have. Feel into it and try to understand why this is here for you and what feelings it actually brings up. Get to the bottom of it and be honest with yourself. Your natural compassion is going to be tested, and some of this is because you need to learn the difference between pity and compassion as well as between intuition and manipulation. This is a chance for you to draw some clear lines that connect some clear dots before your ruling planet goes retrograde late in the month. By the 28th, you will feel a shift that has you knowing on a core level that it is time to make those changes that had been merely swimming in the back of your consciousness for the last few months. Avoid distractions and really get this clearing set up so that your home and routine feel as if they nourish you on all levels. You’re going to need it.